I could use some help. I am a few days shy of being 2 months out. My weight loss is going slower than my doc had anticipated, and I know why. I'm not exercising. I know that I need too, and in my head I want too. But I've always been heavy and have always hated exercising. I've tried walking, got bored. I refuse to join a gym, cause I know that I will never go. I hate exercise tapes. I don't enjoy lifting. I work 9+ hours a day, and have 3 kids at home with a husband who all need and want my attention, so I just do for them and then become the ultimate couch potato. Since I've never been an active person, what can I do to become one. Every time I start some sort of exercise I will do it for a day, week tops then make some excuse and stop. I've read many posts about what you all are doing exercise wise, and are extremely envious, but still don't do it myself. What can I do to get moving and stay moving? I've found if I even skip one day for some reason, I quit altogether. I really need some advice on what do to. Please help.
I always HATED to exercise and post op I forced myself to the gym every day after work, I would go before I even went home because I knew if I went home I wouldn't leave again. Then I hurt my back and am now, just over a year later getting back into my exercise routine with a ball and a DVD. I would like to get hubby and myself bikes so we can ride in the evenings.
Start slow and eventually you will want to do more!
Keep working at it - nothing worth having comes easy!!
Thanks, Liz.. Just out of curiousity, how long did it take you to force yourself to the gym before you enjoyed going, if ever? Do you like working out now? At this moment, I honestly can't see even enjoying working out, but I'd like too. A lot of people I know love to work out and really miss it if they have to miss a day.
Considering you haven't been exercising I would certainly start slow. Walking is an option - I know you said you got bored - but it's there. Get yourself a portable cd player, an ipod, a walkman load up some music you love and get out there. Take the kids - they could use it too. Swimming is another option if you have a pool or a swim club, or yes, even a gym that has one.
I don't like exercising. I STILL don't like exercising. I do it because it DOES make my body feel good (even the soreness is a good thing) and Iike the results of it thus far.
I did find, for me, spin class is the most excitement/enjoyment I get out of exercising. I wanted to run - but I just don't like it. I do it on occassion - don't get me wrong - but I can't do it every day.
The other thing is this - the first year after surgery MUST be your most greedy year ever. We can no longer make excuses of why we aren't exercising because of hubby and kids and what not. If hubby and kids want you to live long enough to be grandmom to their kids and celebrating a 50th golden wedding anniversary than you MUST be healthy enough to live that long. Therefore - 30 mins to an hour a day without you being there beyond work is probably worth the extra 30 years.
Advice I had gotten early on from Lisa was this - on days that she really really didn't feel like exercising she would promise herself she would do just 10 minutes of the exercise and if she STILL didn't feel like it she would stop. Funny thing about 10 minutes - once you have invested that time - you kind of feel like you 'owe' it to yourself to finish.
You might only be able to do 5 minutes at the beginning. That's fine. The next day do 5minutes and 30 seconds. It seems small - but pretty soon you are up to an hour wondering how in the world you of all people could do that.
Good luck!

You sound just like I used to sound and while I empathize with you, I must tell you, this surgery works best with an exercise program and if you don't want to kick yourself six ways to Sunday in 10 months, if you don't want to feel like your surgery experience was less than you hoped to get out of it, then you MUST put physical activity into your life!
I get up 4:30 in the morning four days a week, out the door by 5:30, don't get home from wor****il 7:15, I go to the gym 2 of those days and another 1 to 2 days a week. I hired a personal trainer for one day a week, just to get myself and keep myself accountable, because I know me, like you, I would quit before I even started, I hated exercise, hated sweating and well the end result was 254 lbs. with my joints hurting from the simplest of activities. Now is different, I can move freely and I still don't love exercising, but acknowledge the difference it has made in my life and when I'm not doing it, the scale reflects it.
It's your life, it's your decision, but if you want the maximum benefit this tool has to offer, then get off your butt and move girl!
How about a YMCA or a gym with a pool they have aqua classes, that is a good form of exercise and I started with walking and that myself back in the beginning. . .time is wasting girl, get busy, I can pretty much promise you that you will be happy with the results over the long term.
Good luck, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
There is an addictive nature to some exercise. Once you get to a certain level, you will find it feels good, emotionally and physically. If you can, join the YMCA as a family, and take the kids for a swim, if you don't have access to a pool. Take a walk as a family, and do it regularly. Buy bicycles and go for a ride after dinner. Go to a park and walk in nature. I live alone, and bought an exercise bike that I keep in my room. I watch TV while riding.
I also belong to a gym, and found myself addicted to the elliptical. I take my iPod and watch movies I download. The gym also has TVs to watch while I am on the cardio equipment.
Once you start to feel the emotional results of exercise, you will find it more appealing. Exercise increases the endorphins, and gives you a sense of accomplishment when you are done.
My suggestion is to mark on your calendar everyday you exercise, and keep track of it for a couple of months. See how you feel, and give yourself a reward in a month or two, like a new outfit, or a CD of some music you like to exercise to.
Good luck and keep posting. If you need to, post here daily to hold yourself accountable.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi there! I know exactly how you feel...excersise is not my favorite thing to do but I have to do it! Just like we have to take our supplements everyday we have to excersise too. My advice is to start small--I started doing 10 mins on the treadmill, then 15 mins, then 20 and now I walk for about 45 mins to an hour each morning and feel great for the rest of the day! But it is the getting up and doing it that kills me...but I just force myself and hubby keeps me accountable too.
But I def think doing things as a family is awesome. We had an membership to the YMCA and it was terrific --our girls were able to go the pool and hubby and I could hit the gym. We are renewing it in the fall because it worked out so well. Biking as a family is also a good option. You just have to find what works for you and what time of the day works for you. I like early morning or right after I walk in the door from work(otherwise it won't happen!) But you willl find yoiur niche and make it work. You can even set it up like an appointment--such as each day at 3pm I will walk for 30 mins. Or something to that affect. Excersise buddies are also helpful.
But keep trying to find something that works for you and et us know how you are doing!!
Much luv!!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Do you have a YMCA near you. Jion as a family. Go swiming as a family. Do the exercise equipment with your husband. I think if you do it with someone it won't be so boring. Get an exercise buddy. If you have someone to talk to as you work out it's alot more fun. I know, my husband is mine and I really enjoy this new time we are spending together. Hope this helps!
Make it a game for yourself.
Decide one thing you like/can do...walking, swimmming, bike riding, elliptical etc. Do that for as long as you feel comfortable....15 min, 20 min..etc.
The next day you exercise, try to beat (extend) your previous time. Maybe you beat it by a minute, 5 min, 10 min. Just beat it by a little bit longer each time you exercise.
Then over time, as the weight continues to come off, you will be amazed at how far you can go! You might start doing something at 15 min, and then in a month or two be up to 45min. ...and feeling great while you're doing it!
That's how I got started. I was only able to run for 2 min without stopping....now I'm running a 5K (3.1 miles) in 31 minutes....and can still do more.
Push your body a little harder each time. You'll be surprised at what you can do.
Good luck!
~ Jen