We are worth the work! Let's not beat ourselves up!
Failure is only failure when you do nothing about and when you accept it, letting it define you and your life. Again failure is a result of actions and choices, it is not and should not be a description of a person.
Kudos and bravos and bravas to all of you sharing your struggles and slips with WLS as well as unhealthy addictions and other behaviors and situations. First I want to say don't beat yourself up! Accept that you are human and not perfect. We have no ultimate control but we can strive for the strength to control some of the areas of our life that are within our choices. Okay, pick yourself up which you have already done by sharing the slips and falls, and let's help one another get through today. You can do it! You can make healthy choices today. Let's just think about the choices we have to make right now. Let's ask ourselves why we might want the unhealthy choice . . . if depressed, ask what do we think will change. Will it make things better? Will it make us feel worse afterwards? Will it really and seriously change anything for the good in our lives? Okay you get it, we need to wrap our head and heart around the reasons we don't want to make choices that are unhealthy and we need to remind ourselves over and over that we are really worth the work and effort it takes to be healthy. We can do it! I can do it! You can do it. We really deep down want to do it. We are stronger than our cravings! NIKE ~ Just do it! We can do it, we want to do it.
Let us be gentle, be healthy, be happy, and be peaceful,
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
--Mahatma Ghandi
Celebrate Life, L'Chaim, Peace, Shalom
Albert Schweitzer

You so eloquently put into words what I have been feeling. This group of wonderfu women and men here who are so supportive of one another-- yet we are so powerfully hard on ourselves. Thank you Jan for reminding us all that we are strong, successful individuals.
I think we need to remember that no matter how many times we stumble and fall we are strong enough to pick ourselves up and move on. There is no failure if you can learn from the experience. The only failure is when we do not learn from the experience or do not pick up the pieces and go forward.
Everyone must take the road to their destiny and along the way the path is bumpy, rocky, uphill, and hard to navigate but if you keep going eventually the path opens up and reveals all its beauty. As Winston Churchill said "When you are going through hell--keep going."
We need to keep going to find the meaning in our life.
Much luv!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Some of the definitions of experience are: trial, proof, experiment, to try, test, attempt, venture, the act of living through an event; an activity that includes training, observation practice and personal participation. . .
How many attempts were made before man learned to harness the wind and now we can fly anywhere. They did not succeed by allowing each failure to deter them, but instead learned from the experience of what failed. . . so to parlay on your (Jan's) last sentence. . . We are doing it, but in this process, we are relearning all that we did for an entire lifetime, which does not get changed in a year, 2 years or even more, so it's all about, as Shauna coined the term "successing" not a destination folks, but an ongoing series of events, a process of continued success, not perhaps Shauna's words to the letter, but I think you get what I'm saying. . . again, we have a tool, but the thinking, that is what needs changing. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I appreciate everyone's willingness to share their experiences good and bad. I am thankful I can come here for support and a kick in the pants.