on 7/29/08 6:28 pm, edited 7/30/08 6:26 pm - Boston, MA
Good morning PA, 

It's been a long time.  I miss you all very much.  I've been wanting to write this post for a while now and I just have not had the courage to do so until now...

There is really no easy way to say what I am about to say.  I found out recently that I've been dismissed from law school.  On top of the already difficult time I had with law school the first year, this year was exceptionally difficult.  My grandfather passed away, I was now also dealing with all of the post-op changes that occur, and I was representing myself in a lawsuit.  I thought I was ok since I passed all of my classes, but apparently the school has a rule that says otherwise.  For those of you who were at this past PA Fall Pilgrimage and for those of you who know me well, know that this was already my second go at law school.  I've been at this for the past 3 years (I repeated my first year after taking a medical leave of absence and completed my second year this past Spring).  After receiving my dismissal/option for appeal letter, I submitted a written petition (along with 4 letters -- one from my therapist, one from Dr. Pupkova, one from a lawyer/mentor in Boston who attested to my ability and said he would feel extremely confident sending me clients after I graduated, and one from my current internship boss who is an alumni of my law school).  I also attended an in-person hearing and my current internship boss accompanied me and spoke on my behalf.  Not only is he an alumni of my school, but he knew some of the faculty on the committee, put phone calls in on my behalf, and praised me and my work endlessly at the hearing.  Sadly, it wasn't enough because I received another letter just 2 days after the hearing informing me that the committee decided to sustain their appeal. 

Needless to say, my whole world has been turned upside down in just a couple of weeks and I'm experiencing a lot of crying and a lot of pain right now.  However, I don't believe that this crying and pain will last forever, and as I approach my 1-year surgiversary this Saturday, I want you all to know (both pre-ops as well as post-ops) that I do not for one minute regret having this surgery, nor do I regret having it when I did.  Having this surgery was one of the best things I ever did for myself.  I know I am better equipped to handle this situation today than I was this time last year and for that I am extremely grateful.  

I am now in the process of doing a lot of soul-searching and thinking and trying to make some decisions.  At this point, I'm not yet sure what I'm going to pursue career-wise.  Thankfully, I have a couple of really wonderful supports in place, but I welcome any and all support from you, my OH family.  I also welcome any and all suggestions and advice regarding career options.

Lastly, I want to note that I have a lot of messages -- both on OH and in my email inbox -- that have yet to be sorted through.  I really am very sorry that I have not yet gotten back to whoever has written me.  It's going to take me a little while to get my life back on track and to get back to the messages, (and I'm sure I have missed a lot that's been going on with each of you) but I will definitely do so and I thank you in advance for understanding.  Even though I haven't been as present on here recently, you are all in my thoughts constantly.

I love you all dearly, 
Lisa, from Boston :)

Patricia R.
on 7/29/08 7:12 pm - Perry, MI

I am so sorry to hear about this dismissal from law school.  I am sure you are feeling all sorts of feelings, and of course the tears will flow.  I believe that God has a plan for each of us to use our gifts and talents to make this world a better place.  I am confident that you will be able to find out where to best use your gifts and talents. 

I was a psychology major, desiring to work in mental health, when I was an undergrad, in my twenties.  Unfortunately, my then husband said we could not afford grad school, and that we would be better able to pay our bills if I became a teacher.  So, reluctantly, I got a teaching degree.  It was not until I was in my forties that I went back and got my Masters in Social Work, and now I work part time in mental health.  Don't give up hope. 

You will find your niche in this world, and you will rock our world with your smile and enthusiasm.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 7/30/08 12:20 pm - Boston, MA
 Hi Trish, 

Thank you so much for your response and for sharing your story with me.  I really appreciate your support. 

Lisa :)
Liz R.
on 7/29/08 8:48 pm - Easton, PA
Lisa *Hugs* I've missed you sweetie! Sorry to hear about Law School. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason (I was in my senior year of college and found out 2 days before graduation that I had failed a class and wouldn't be able to graduate - I picked up the pieces and graduated the following spring after completing my class over the summer).

If you need to escape for a weekend you are always welcome in my home here in PA! Or if you need to talk just send me a PM and I'll give you my phone number!

Keep your chin up and remember how far you have come! You are a fighter and will get through this although I know it is very difficult right now.

*more hugs* I am sure you can use them.

Much Love!

on 7/30/08 12:27 pm - Boston, MA
Lots of hugs right back at you Liz and I've certainly missed you too!!  Thank you for sharing your experience with me and thank you so much for extending the invitation to your home -- that is so incredibly nice of you and I can't tell you how much that means to me. 

Much love, 
Lisa :)
Liz R.
on 7/29/08 8:49 pm - Easton, PA
forgot to ask - do you attend WLS support groups up there? I am sure that someone has one you can go to - might help.... just a thought
on 7/29/08 9:46 pm - Boothwyn, PA

Hey Cutie - been wondering where you've been! I miss your smiling avitar on the boards and your posts. I am so, so sorry to hear about law school, but the old adage 'When God closes a door he opens a window' is one to keep in mind, and maybe there is something out there for you that will end up being more meaningful and fulfilling. I'm sure its very difficult to deal with the dismissal right now, but you've had a lot to deal with lately and this is one more bump (how many can one person take, huh?!).

Now's the time to sit back, have a good long cry and then pick yourself up and think about what you want to be when you grow up. Don't make any major decisions just yet - you've just gone thru a lot and sometimes you just need to breathe a little before continuing on.

You know we're all here for you - day and night - no matter what. No judgement. We'll support you and love you thru all this.

Don't be a stranger - post when you can - Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 7/30/08 12:34 pm - Boston, MA
Hi Kathy!

Thank you so much for your response -- I really miss you too!  Your advice was wonderful and I really appreciate everything you wrote.  Knowing that you all are here for me -- day or night -- no matter what, and without judgment means the world to me.  Thank you so much for your support and your promise to love me through all of this.  I love you too, and I promise to get back to posting as soon as I can. 

Lisa :)
on 7/29/08 9:48 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Lisa,sorry to hear what u are going tru we are all here for you!keep your chin up things will work out!
on 7/30/08 12:37 pm - Boston, MA
Thank you so much for your response Kim and for being here for me.  I greatly appreciate you and all of your support. 

Lisa :)
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