It's Me....the annoying CPAP chick
OK so here's the question. Eileen at Barix says I need 180 hours clocked in time for my PATs. Well my PATs are in 14 days (8/7) and I still need 120 more hours! That's 8.5 hours p/night between now and then. Like I EVER sleep 8.5 hours.
Why would they need me to have the hours for the PATs and not the day of surgery? I can easily get the extra 120 hours by 8/25 (that's 4 hours p/night)
Please someone tell me it's gonna be ok

Sorry to be so needy.
I understand completely where you are coming from! I had to wear a CPAP before my surgery and let me tell you the day of PATs --because I was wearing the nose pillows wrong--I did not have the required hours. The respitory therapists will give you a talking to you and you will have to call in your hours every few days before surgery but as long as you have the hours by surgery you will be ok. Believe me! I wore that thing all the time--watching t.v, reading a book, and then all night. You can do it!!! Then you'll be on the losers bench and successing!!
Take care!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
They just want to see that you are compliant with the machine.
How long you been wearing yours? I have like thousands of hours. want to borrow some??? LOL
Not sure what kind of machine you have, but you can prob do 2 things. Let your machine run for like an extra hour or so a day. Mine does not alarm for leaks or anything, put in on a doll or something.HA HA it might work
Also, dont know about you, but I wear mine for a nap all the time.
let me know how this works.
Good luck with it. And complain all you want to, we know how bad it is. When people ask how I feel about it, I say "Well, it sucks. And it blows too!"
Next, realize that the machine you are using is a SMART machine. It knows the difference between when you are attached to the end and when you are not. The machine reports to the Barix folks "blower" hours" vs. "patient" hours. Leaving the mahine running when you aren't on it fools no one. Don't think the clinicians won't know immediately what you're trying to make them believe.
SO...use the machine WHENEVER you have the chance. Watching tv, reading, resting, wasting time, emailing and hanging out here on OH. Also, call the office and let them know that you are doing the best that you can and with your plan, you should be ok with the expected usage hours by your surgery date, not by the PAT's. As long as you lay out a plan out and stick to it, they will be appreciative.
Lastly, make sure that your DME company is really working with you on mask comfort. Poor mask comfort is the #1 reason for CPAP non-compliance. There are MANY MANY masks out there. If you haven't tried the Swift, ask for it, even if it means paying for it on your own.
Remember, you CAN do it. You have bigger fish to bake in the near future after surgery, and CPAP will go away at some point for most people after you've dropped some weight. Good luck and stay strong. We're with you.
I went back to the DME on Thursday and this time got the nose pillow vs. the mask. I thought it was better than the mask but after a few days it's just the same disaster. Last night I woke up 3.5 hours after I fell asleep to a sound that can best be described as a "water bong" attached to my face. Water had gotten itself lodged in the pipe somewhere and every time I blew out through my nose it was this gurlge sound. I got up and had to dismantle the whole thing and whip it around until i got all the water out. Then I lay awake for another 30 minutes trying to get the nose pillows (size small) to stay put. i finally changed to the medium size nasal pillows and it was not working out either. so again I ripped it off and slept w/o it.
I can see that I have 68.5 therapeutic hours and 69 blower hours - so I do use it as prescribed. I have every intention of using it since I realize how important it is for my heath and safety and this is why i am so distressed over it. Not simply to whine about how much i hate it or figure out a way to outsmart the machine.
as for wearing it during the waking hours - i plan to.
i guess i'm so pissy about it, becasue i keep hearing that it will take a little while to get used to it.....and it's been more than a little while.
I really think another part of my issues is that along wiht the apnea (which is mild) i have severe periodic limb movement disorder AND according to my sleep study pretty much NEVER sleep. (you can see my sleep study on my blog) So i am wondering if the bigger issue it that i am such a llight sleeper with 51% of my sleep time in Stage 2 that every little disturbance wakes me up vs. a better sleeper who can sleep through these things.
I am wondering if I should ask for some sedatives at night to help keep me "down"
oh well, in the end it will all be worth it i know.