Chest Pain & Dumping???
Anyone ever have chest pains from eating starches? I had French toast this morning and got a pain in my abdomen that has moved up and felt like pressure on my chest all day. No other dumping type symptoms. I've been dealing with asthma and some other problems (on and off fevers, chills, sore throat, rash, coughs) for about six weeks now, but this is new

Many people feel when food is "stuck" it feels like a pressure on the chest. That's because your pouch is actually closer to your chest than it is your abdomen area. This could be the culprit.
More importantly - besides just seeing the doctor - have you gotten x rays? I know your asthma is pretty bad and you know how to handle it - but with your on and off symptoms - I'm wondering if it's not a viral pneumonia? especially with the fevers and rashes.
Just a thought.
Many people feel when food is "stuck" it feels like a pressure on the chest. That's because your pouch is actually closer to your chest than it is your abdomen area. This could be the culprit.
More importantly - besides just seeing the doctor - have you gotten x rays? I know your asthma is pretty bad and you know how to handle it - but with your on and off symptoms - I'm wondering if it's not a viral pneumonia? especially with the fevers and rashes.
Just a thought.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Thanks, Pam. The pain/pressure has let up since I got up this morning, so I'm hoping that's the end of it. Maybe I ate too quickly or my bites were too big - that's the sort of thing we tend to forget at times when we're feeling "normal" again!
Regarding the other, I'm frustrated and fighting feeling very discouraged as well. Some days I feel great, then the next day I'll feel like crap. Or I'll feel good all morning, then need to lie down and rest all afternoon. I had a chest xray in the e.r. when this all started in early June and it was clear. I've done 3 courses of Levaquin, a course of prednisone, and am on the highest dose of Advair. I had pulmonary function tests and a ct scan on my sinuses over the last couple weeks and am told they were fine. She drew loads of blood Friday to check for a number of things and I had blood cultures drawn yesterday, so am awaiting the results of both. I've an appt with an asthma and allergy specialist next Monday and an echocardiogram this Friday, to check or rule out everything. I've been trying to walk, to build up strength, but the heat and pollen have been so bad, I took it into the gym. Twenty minutes or so of straight treadmill walking leaves me feeling kind of dizzy.
Much as I don't want to have any illness, I wish they would find Something, so they could FIX it already and let me get back to my life!!!
Regarding the other, I'm frustrated and fighting feeling very discouraged as well. Some days I feel great, then the next day I'll feel like crap. Or I'll feel good all morning, then need to lie down and rest all afternoon. I had a chest xray in the e.r. when this all started in early June and it was clear. I've done 3 courses of Levaquin, a course of prednisone, and am on the highest dose of Advair. I had pulmonary function tests and a ct scan on my sinuses over the last couple weeks and am told they were fine. She drew loads of blood Friday to check for a number of things and I had blood cultures drawn yesterday, so am awaiting the results of both. I've an appt with an asthma and allergy specialist next Monday and an echocardiogram this Friday, to check or rule out everything. I've been trying to walk, to build up strength, but the heat and pollen have been so bad, I took it into the gym. Twenty minutes or so of straight treadmill walking leaves me feeling kind of dizzy.
Much as I don't want to have any illness, I wish they would find Something, so they could FIX it already and let me get back to my life!!!