Another Question

Paulette L.
on 7/19/08 9:12 pm

Hi New Friends!
Well I am wondering if you can shed some light, I have no attended my first seminar yet and already I mentioned I was interested in the Lap B to friends and they said how they were told it is WAY more dangerous a surgery than gastric bypass. Another friend told me the opposite. I am sure I will find out more details next week but I am interested in what you all know. Are they morbidity rates for Lap Bands or even rates of complications much higher with the band? I know (have read) that the band can slip, seep into your stomach, or your body can reject it but from my perspective I was thinking that because you dont cut out a permenent part of your body it is reversable if something should go wrong (I dont think...not sure...but dont think the other procedure is this way). HElp any words of wisdom as my friends are really already putting a negative spin on things.

on 7/19/08 10:10 pm - Irwin, PA
Well it sounds like you did your reseach on the band. And truthfully its all a personal choice.
For me I wanted some very permenent and very drastric. This was a one time shot for me. I also looked at the percentage of weight loss from the band vs RNY and the RNY was more which is what I wanted.
You are going to get all kinds of information out there. Some solicated and some not but you have to make the decision. I personally didn't tell anyone of my decision until I had already gone to a meeting so no one would influence me. My boyfriend didn't know until about 3months into the process and was completely surprised. But its not about anyone else but me. Your surgeon will also help you make the correct decision for you. Based on chronic illnesses and risk factors.
What ever decision you make it will be right for you.
Best of luck


Pam Hart
on 7/19/08 10:39 pm - Easton, PA

Regardless of which decision you make you will have negative feedback I fear from someone.

There are complications with either surgery.

The band is more readily reversible if there is a problem.  Just as any FYI, you said "I was thinkjing that because you dont cut out a permenent part of your body...." in bypass, your stomach is not cut "out"  The remaining portion of your stomach is left INTACT in your body.  This allows it to continue to produce some digestive juices which meets up with the food later on down the intestinal track.  That is why it is called an RN Y - because your anatomy then looks like a "Y" when it is complete.

It is a very personal decision.  For me - I could "cheat" my way out of the band, and if there's a way to cheat - you better believe I would find it.  I actually wanted the "fear" of dumping to help me not eat the foods I shouldn't be eating anyway.  With the band, it is simply restrictive while RNY offers the restrictive capacity and allows allows malabsorption so the food you does it doesn't get absorbed into your system, and allows leaves the potential out for dumping, which could potentially make you ill if you eat the wrong foods, hopefully deterring you from doing that again.

Regardless of which you decide, good luck on your journey.  Ask your surgeon when you do meet with them what THEIR complication rates are with the procedures and what not.  I'm sure they will be able to shed some light on the subject as well.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Dana C.
on 7/20/08 12:32 am - Royersford, PA
I couldn't have said it any better than Pam I just wanted to wish you luck on your journey and I hope you find the answers you are looking for.


Patricia R.
on 7/20/08 11:35 am - Perry, MI
I first considered the Lap Band, but then realized I could cheat my way out of it as Pam said.  I am a sugar fiend, and am so grateful that I dump with sugar, because if I didn't, I would be bingeing on it regularly, like I did prior to my surgery. 

With the RNY being done laporascopically these days, it is less dangerous than it had been years ago. 

The other thing to think about is your co-morbidities.  What are you suffering from now, because of your obesity?  I was pre-diabetic, on cholesterol medication, and have terrible arthritis in all my lower joints, as well as have had surgeries on a knee, and both feet.  I feared getting worse, and not being able to see my grandchildren grow up. 

Talk to a surgeon.  Go to a support group meeting and talk to post-op patients of both surgeries.  Listen to the experts and the veterans, not the nay-sayers *****ally have not clue what is going on.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 7/20/08 12:04 pm, edited 7/20/08 12:04 pm - conshohocken , PA
Hi there....

I am having my Gastric By Pass on thurs.... I was under the impression that weight had a factor in what surgery you get... me being 220 when i started... and 5'4...  People told me and  i thought i wasn't "Big" enough to get the GBP.....  I was WRONG!  I went in (like others mentioned) and found that i could chose...  I have Insulin Resistance Sleep Apnea, and I just had Congestive Heart Failure...( due to a virus) but the weight didn;t help....  When the doc told me about the fact that you could eat what you wanted with the band, because it didn't make you sick....  i knew that my diet would consist of Haggendaz....  so i told him that i don't have it in me not to cheat, unless i was forced to....  so i chose the By pass...  I am scared as Heck... more so about the life changes after the surgery than the surgery it self......  but u and your doc will discuss.... i really like my MD..

PS...  i wish i was like the other poster who said that she didn't tell anyone....  BOY does everyone have a comment....

Jan K.
on 7/20/08 12:49 pm, edited 7/20/08 12:50 pm - Was Jenkintown, PA but now NYC, PA
Hi Paula,

Be sure when you go for your consultation you ask all of your questions.  I was actually told that the RNY could be reversed although folks don't ask for it to be done and it usually is done for medically necessary reasons. 

Like the others have said there are risks in either procedure.  Listen to the surgeon.  When medical personnel prefer one procedure over another it is worth paying attention as to why.  We are all different and know ourselves better than anyone else.  Ask yourself the tough questions about your commitment to a program of weight loss.  Both surgeries really require a life time commitment . . . RNY - eating properly and taking supplements; while the Lap Band requires more medical follow ups and essentially you end up being a host for a foreign object. 

I had RNY because my system/body tends to reject and react to foreign objects.  I also paid attention to statistics about which procedure has been proven more successful for the long term. 

Good luck.

         You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
                                                                                 --Mahatma Ghandi 
                                 Celebrate Life, L'Chaim, Peace, Shalom

Paulette L.
on 7/20/08 10:14 pm
Thanks so much new friends for all your wonderful words. I read every reply 2-3 times to absorbe what you said. You all made some really great points that I had not thought about (or understood). I have a feeling when I goto my seminar I will be more info and hopefuly the choices will be clearer for me to understand (as I am still a little confused about how the bypass works with the dumping...not sure what that means). Three of my family memebers gotthe gastric bp and all three while they had some difficulty with the surgery and immediate recovery all are soo glad they did it and all look and feel amazing now. I guess however seeing them go thru the "tough" part is daunting looking in from the outside.
My sister in law had many  MANY malabsorption issues early on and lost a good bit of hair along with so much weight loss it made me nervous for her. However almost overnight she starting getting her hair back I guess absorbing things better and gaining a little of the weight back and she looks and feels amazing today. My brother had it done and didnt loose nearly as much as his wife but again he looks and feels great. He had and still has much less "eating sensitivity" than her.
Thanks again all.
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