Funeral Arrangements for Nan's Daughter
Following up on my previous post about Nan (A Happy Soul) whose daughter died yesterday, the funeral is tomorrow:
Service: 1:00 PM
Roth-Goldstein Memorial Chapel
310 Second St Pike
Southampton, PA
Burial: immediately following the service
Shalom Memorial Cemetary
Pine and Byberry Rds
Philadelphia, PA
A luncheon in celebration of Nan's daughter's life will be held following the burial at a location TBD.
Any flowers and cards can be sent to Nannette Kardaras's attention at the Roth-Goldstein Memorial Chapel.
This is such a sad day for Nan.
Its been very hard day for me, I am being strong for my Mother. After making each of these arrangements today I had to stop and physically double over is shear disbelief. This is the itinerary for tomorrow.
Funeral Service
1:00 PM Goldsteins 310 Second Street Pike Southampton PA 18966
1:30 PM Shalom Memorial Park 25 Byberry Road Huntingdon Vly, Pa 19006 Section M-2
Buffet Luncheon
2:00 PM BrookSide Manor 50 Bustleton Pike, Feasterville, PA 19053
Cards may be sent to Nanette Karadas c/o Goldsteins
I know there are no words for this time, except to say I am praying for you and your family. I understand the need to communicate love to those I care about, as I have had to watch my mother bury my brothers in the past two years. I will keep you in my prayers.
Albert Schweitzer