Lack of support
Unfortunately, when going this route, there are casualties to be had. I, myself, have experienced a cold shoulder from friends that pre-surgery seemed very supportive and then there were the more outspoken ones, who said as your friend did, why not try to lose it through diet. . . One friend, in particular, has recently told me that while she is proud of my success, she cannot talk to me right now, because she is struggling within her own weight issues, and trust me, I only talk about my weight loss if questioned because I am sensitive to the feelings of others who struggle, as the truth is, it will be about making the right choices for the rest of my life, so I thanked her for her honesty and told her that our friendship is based on support, laughter and love and that when she was ready I'd still be here. That's all I can do, it hurts, like hell sometimes, but I'd rather be healthy and thin, than pleasing others, as I did most of my life, by doing things their way, besides, as a result of this, I've made some new friends.
So get the support where you can, here is a good place, support groups, but the truth is there are going to be people who feel left out when you lose the weight.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I think it's jealousy. I had a friend who kept telling me to do it the "natural" way and that she would never do it. Well, that was 6 months ago. Now, my surgery is next week and she just tried to get the surgery but her insurance won't cover it. Just don't try to rub it in too mu*****ase it is jealousy. Maybe she wants to get it too but can't for some reason and wants to talk you out of it so it won't be so hard on her. It's a tough situation.
Good luck,
Ask her to be completely honest with you about you and the surgery... maybe she is scared for you or it could be jealous... or it could be something completely different... but if she is doing WW show your support... maybe buy her a WW cookbook.... etc...
If your friend wants to talk - be open and honest with her. Tell her the rules of your new lifestyle regarding food stages and food/sugar/fat alllowances per your surgeon's program, and the fact that exercise, hard work, and dedication will be a necessary part of your new life, and that this is not the easy fix. People gain weight back all the time.
I for one am a firm believer in support. People make comments all the time about how much I'm on here (good comments I might add) but that's because I literally have almost no support close to home. In support, I mean by people who truly understand. Hubby is very supportive - but doesn't get it completely. My parents are decently supportive and that's about it.
Good luck!!

i have a long time friend- 18 yrs and she knows I had the surgery and recently saw me when I was down 75lbs and it was very obvious I had lost weight--- she said nothing!!! Hurt my feelings but she is like that- its all about her.
My boyfriend is so supportive always there for me and then u have the boards that offer the support and hopefully you can find someone near you that can be a good support. Its really hard when u are so excited about something and not being able to share.
Albert Schweitzer