My Vent for the Day!
Hi all,
I just had to vent because I'm having a crappy day in general and this little thing just bugs me. I have a Co-worker who is about 6'1, Blonde, very nice looking lady, dressed to the hilt, etc, etc
Well we are Executive Assistants to VP's and talk all the time, so I have been keeping her up to date on my progress with getting the RNY. She doesnt think I need it...blah blah and keeps trying to get me to go to Weigh****chers. She is always talking about it and how she needs to lose 20 pounds, etc etc. I try to explain to her that I have done that and I need to lose 120 pounds and I just cant go to WW to do it. So, now she has gone around to several people in our Dept and is recruiting them to her Sat WW meetings. And she is very verbal about it, and talks about how they are a nice little clic now at WW and I sit here feeling like an idiot. None of these people are obese like me, and hey if that works for them great, but she is constantly throwing that in my face. Everyday its..."are you sure dont want to come our meeting Sat, that would be so much easier" Its stupid but it bugs me, especially now that she 3 other people going and they all talk about it. UGH
Well thanks for "listening" I just needed to say that! Have a good day everyone!
So go ask her to pick up 24 bags of flour, carry them around with her, and ask her to just get rid of them at weigh****chers. If she says the "easy" comment again - tell her you are not looking for the easy fix - you are looking to change your lifestyle and routine completely to live a healthier life without yo yoing constantly on various diets and chain style "cookie cutter" programs if you will.
Vent away!

There is always someone who thinks that their way is "the way", you did your homework, including probably most diets known to mankind, so try to ignore her childish behavior, you don't need to be a part of her "click"!
Hope you feel better now that you vented. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I feel like saying to them, what exactly IS fat enough? I think 264 is it for me, thank you very much skinny know it alls.
I say go to their weigh****chers meetings and bring snacks with you to eat while they talk about their points.
Marlo - Tell her about your "click" us WLS Oh'ers are the bes click of all!! Some people just don't get it and never will.
My dad always told me to tell them that I can loose weight but they won't loose their ignorance.
Keep your head high - you are doing the right thing and are going to blow them all out of the water with you successing!
Vent away.
Albert Schweitzer

I can comiserate with you! I have one friend, who is maybe 20lbs overweight and is begging me to join WW with her and also Curves, and that I'm "taking the easy way out"! ARRRR!

I try to explain to her about the many changes that come with WLS, and how it will NOT be easy. She continues to badger me about 'doing it the healthy way' and not 'using surgery as a cop-out'. She says all I need to do is change my eating (duh) and exercise (duh).
What this person fails to understand is that at 347 lbs I can't do Curves, I can just barely walk around my own house...that every joint and my back screams with pain everyday. That its an exhausting job just to take a shower and get dressed to go out of the house. And of course I've been on most every diet out there.
I get tired of explaining it to her. When she starts talking about weight I try and change the subject or I just come out and say it's PERSONAL, and that I don't want to talk about it. That has worked so far.