i DO have extra skin...did you wanna see???
Okay- so I get a lot of emails from people saying things like "oh- how did you get your skin to look so good..you dont have any extra skin.." etc.
Granted, I dont have as much as some, I DO infact have extra skin and think people need to see that. So....................that being said, in addition to my progression slideshow that is linked at the top of my blog, I have uploaded my 1 year skin pics. Y U M M Y.
Take a peek if you're oh so curious. You can even order a few prints for yourself if you'd like
~ Jen
Just because of your post made me curious....
Very brave of you Jen and I applaud you for your honesty. Yep - you have extra skin - I guess we all do!
Perhaps I will order the one of you with your leg in the air for my personal collection....ROFLMAO
Thanks - I do actually appreciate this!

Wow... I wish my upper arms looked like that... I am really jealous... Here is a photo of my upper arms... and it has actually gotten worse... I think we measured from the true edge of my arm to the bottom of the hanging skin is about 6.5 to 7 inches long. I just hope my tummy looks as good as yours does now!! Girl you look fantastic!
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2033/2514447535_d1e9071f02.jp g?v=0
Ya know after reading everyone elses posts I realized I missed something HUGELY important in my original post -
You do look 1000% fabulous!! In fact, I had turned off my computer and then said to Brian "Oh, I should have showed you pics of Jen - she looks amazing and even posted her skin issues - and that's some of the best extra skin I've ever seen"
Sorry for that great unjustness my friend - because you do look fabulous-o!!

You look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! I too love your extra skin. I wish I had as little as you do, but I don't and I just have to deal with it. Like Kathy said, it's better than what we used to have. And you know what, I'll take a WHOLE BUNCH of extra skin over being almost 400 pounds!!!! It's all about acceptance now. And we'll definitely be talking about that tomorrow night. Because I need to learn to accept it.
But, again, you look INCREDIBLE!!!