58 days seems like a forever to me right now
Hey Melanie,
Try to hang it there. Just remember that the kids will be in school and you can recover much better. 56 days isn't so bad. At least you don't have to do the 10 day diet. You are lucky. Sorry about the CPAP thing. I don't need one so I have no idea what you are going thru. Are you going to the meeting this week? I won't be there. I will be there next month and you will see less of me...lol.
Good luck and keep your chin up!
I can emphathize with you about the CPAP. Ask anyone on here, if they remember, I was complaining about that Gosh Darn thing all the time. And I laughed, sorry, when you said you flung it across the room at one point. I did the same thing. I swear, I really, really hated that thing and could never sleep with it.
Some suggestions given to me to get the hours in were to wear it while you're watching TV or sitting at the computer. I didn't really do that, but it may work for some people.
I will also send you a PM about this matter. So check your mail. Take care.
Hey there,
I can relate to almost everything you said, as I had a CPAP as well. It does seem like an eternity to wait till September, but before you know it, you will be walking the halls of Barix, wondering how you got there. I had Dr. Marymor, and I just love him. He is such a sweetie, and really helped my mom and sister calm down the day of my surgery by explaining it all in great detail, with drawings and everything, in pre-op. He also did my hernia repair in December.
Hang in there. We are here for you, and will be here whenever you need to vent, cry, or whatever.
Albert Schweitzer

DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT. Your rashes under the girls might be your ticket to an insurance paid lift. I know that I am jumping the gun and that you have what feels like forever until you will be there, but trust me on this one, I was 460 lbs. the day of my surgery and in a little over 2 years I have lost over 220 lbs. I have already had my first round of plastics and I still have a while before I am at goal. Melanie, it feels like only yesterday. But please go to see your doc and get a RX for the rash. If you don't feel like that ( I know pre-op I would rather die than go to the doc.) dab a little monistat under the girls, it clears the rash right up.
You will see that the 58 days will fly by and you will be on the other side before you know it.
You can ***** ***** ***** We all have been there and know how you are feeling. 58 days I mean 56 days will go fast hang in there.
As for the boobs antifungal cream from equate will clear it up, but to help it from coming back I know that this sounds weird, but it works put deoderant (sp) under them. It helps me. good luck. we are always here to listen to whatever you need to ***** about. lol