58 days seems like a forever to me right now
First of all, i feel sick all the time. Like sick to my stomach. i have a love hate relationship with food, i love the taste of food, but i hate what it's doing to my body/soul. I have food hangovers on a daily basis now and i know the reasosn i feel like crap today is becasue of what i ate yesterday.
My CPAP experience is turning out to be a disaster. I can't for the life of me sleep with the thing on. I pretty much make it until about 2-3am and then I have to rip it off. Last night i thought I was going to make it (based on comfort level****il i was awoken at 2am with a FREAKING BLOODY NOSE! the mask was full of blood and i was literally choking on my own blood. I ripped the mask off and wung it across the room.

OK now about the rashes under my boobs! argh. owwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Anyone else experience horrific tightening of their hamstrings when you were a fatty? This seems to be my latest fat induced ailment. I am 39 and walk around like I'm 80. I'm hunched over and every step is an 8 on a pain scale of 1-10.
And then there is my cheery disposition - not. I swear my family would all divorce me if they could.
58 days til surgery seems like a forever to me. I'm 1/2 tempted to try and bump it up, but i will most likely need all that time to get my CPAP hours in.

thanks for listening to my pity party.
Melanie, I hated my CPAP also! I would call them about the nose bleed though - that is not good. The rashes under the boobs - I used so much baby powder it was not funny. And that did not always work. I also walked around like I was 80. You only have less than two months - you can make it. You will not always be cheery - but you will make it on to the losers bench! Tammy
Hey, we are ALL entitled to bad days! Go ahead and moan away - sounds like you've got a lot on your plate.
Cpap - well - I haven't used one before but I've heard others say that there is a "ramp" setting which starts off slow and works its way up that they have used. The blood nose thing - is the air humidified? If not - is there a way to get humidified oxygen in it? If not - what about before putting it on using a very small amount of neosporin or bacitracin on the end of a q tip and "greasing" the insides of your nose? Just a tiny tiny bit to give you some more moisture. Also - if you take naps during the day - even for an hour at a time put it on then - it will help bump your hours up.
Rashes under the boobs - had em (and behind my knees and on my wrists and in between my thighs....I was a rashy itchy mess in the summer) You can try some medicated powders but the only thing that worked for me was a prescription cream from the doctor - Lotrisome It is a combination antifungal/antibacterial cream with some steroids in it that cleared it up within 24 hours.
How long has that hamstring tightening been going on for? Hate to say it - but you might want to see a doc about it - get to the bottom of it. Also - perhaps some pain medication at least temporarily.
Your disposition - well screw them. Everyone is allowed to be a B**CH just let them know you are and to stay away - or else!
58 days does seem like a long way away - but then day of surgery you'll be like "OMG....I can't believe it's here already" I know you don't believe me right now, but that's ok.
Complain all you want.

I dont nap - but was thinking of just wearing it while still awake and watching TV in bed to up my hours.
Yes i have a humdifier on mine and yes it does ramp up. The pressure really does not bother me (though it's hard to breath out when I'm still awake - odd) Honestly the pressure is the easy part it's the damn straps on my face and the mask itself that are causing all the grief.
My hamstrings - i think (from what i am reading) is caused by hyperextended knees, which is casued by my fat ass.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to me.
i should mention that nosebleeds for me is normal, just not in a mask where i'm being forced to rebreath it! ugh!
Its realy just dry nasal membranes, but i thought that the humidifier would eliminate that problem.
but yes, I do plan to call today and see if there is another mask that might be friendlier.

GO ahead and ***** that is what we are here for....IT seems like 58 days but they will go fast.
I didn't need a CPAP but I would call to see abut getting a different mask that allows some sort of comfort to you but I know from others you HAVE to have those hours logged with it.
Trust me you will be losing that ass real soon!
If you need to talk and vent feel free to give me a call anytime..215-331-5472!
Yikes, I hope today is a better day for you. About the rash...try a 'jock itch' antifungal pwder. Before my surgery, I needed it and found that the store brands were as good--and much less expensive--- than the national brands. I haven't had a problem with any 'jock itch' since my surgery in October 2007.
Believe me, 58 days will fly by...I began my journey on Feb. 13 '07, was cleared for surgery at the end of May and then had the surgery in October. It seemed so long to wait at the time, but it really wasn't. Stay busy... walk when you can, begin your pre-op diet early and if you are not instructed to do one, a better eating plan won't hurt. Begin simply, by cutting out soda (for instance)the first week, then next week cut out something else (maybe full fat ice cream?) or anything else that is a 'trigger' for you. Begin drinking lots of water..aim for 64 ounces a day. What you will be doing is beginning the detox of your body....and recovery will be smoother.
I did not need a CPAP machine, but I empathize with you. I had a knee replacement surgery in 2001 and sleeping with devices is never easy.
Best of luck to you and stay connected to this board. Great, helpful. compassionate and supportive people hang out here. The same people will dole out a (gentle) kick in the butt when necessary! Keep in touch.
There's a lot to go thru pre-op but you can make it thru. Took me a while to get used to the CPap - had to wear one for months. Sometimes I'd wake up and it was off - don't know when or how I got it off but must have taken it off in my sleep! It does get easier, tho, so wear it as much as you can - it will definitely help during surgery and anesthesia. As for the boob rashes I used Gold Bond medicated powder - always seemed to clear it up in a couple of days - good stuff. As for the cheery disposition? Trust me - been there!! I had gotten so fat and was so miserable I took it out on everybody, especially when I stuffed myself and was miserable afterwards. But you know what? In a couple of months that's all going to end for you - food is going to become necessary to live and get nutrition - its not going to have the same appeal to you as it does now, and you won't be able to stuff yourself and have food hangovers. Don't get me wrong - I still like good food, but its just not that important now that I'm feeling so much better without all the fatty, sweet and doughy stuff. Every time you feel yourself getting down try to remember how good you're going to feel after the surgery and getting some of that weight off - and the more that comes off the better you'll feel. Hang in there - your day will be here soon! Kathy