****Sunday Roll Call****
Good Morning Everyone,
I am dragging my fanny this morning. I had a hectic day yesterday. Spent the day cleaning out a room at my sister's where a ton of stuff was stored from my brother's apartment, as well as clothes from me and hand-me-downs and stuff. Then we had a picnic, and then I came home and shampooed my carpet.
I tried to post yesterday, but couldn't for some strange reason. The page came up, but I could not get the cursor on the page. Hmm.
Today I am babysitting the munchkin. My daughter and son-in-law are going to New York for my daughter-in-law's birthday party, and I am spending the day with the kidlet.
Hope you stay cool today.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning PA!!!
Hey Trish! I had the same problem with the cursor yesterday so I just switched the editor to HTML Editor #2 in the box and then I was able to respond and post!! But that was weird yesterday! But glad to see you back!! Your days always exhaust me! LOL
As for me today we are heading to church and then coming home where I will promptly bang out five essays for my Masters course that I put off doing this week! Fun, I know. Other than that not much doing,,,,I'll probally throw laundry in washer and take a nap later this afternoon. Finally just curl up with a good book tonight.
Enjoy the day and everyone stay cool and stay hydrated it is going to be brutally hot today!!!
Much luv!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Good Morning Trish and a happier PA Board,
Happier because we know that Pam is home resting comfortably after her scary ordeal!
I'm off to the gym, having laundry, food prep and then pool time scheduled for today, this evening I will attend my AA meeting and then it's the realities of work for the a.m. Even with 3-day weekends, there is never enough time!
Have a great day!
Prayers, hugs and positive thoughts, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Looks like we all had the same problem yesterday. The cursor would show up in the box for me if I was making my own post - but when I tried to respond to others, it wouldn't work. I also switched to HTML 2 or text and it worked. Strange.
Today I feel pretty good after some much needed rest. I'm not doing to much of anything - although the past few days I've suddenly noticed all my shorts and pants are to big - measurements should be interesting at the end of this month as I haven't dropped to much weight but I must have dropped inches. I might go shopping to pick up a few pairs of jeans and shorts.
I think we are supposed to go to the inlaws house this evening. I will see how I feel. I may stay home and just rest some more. If we do go I have to pack some food as I'm being very cautious about my menu and don't feel up to adding firm proteins quite yet.
Enjoy your day!

Good Morning Trish, Laura & Everyone,
I'm heading into my 2nd week off and I've been maxing and relaxing. I've been in Harleysville this weekend with my buddy Shauna and her family. Going to a nearby fair today for some local culture and events. Glad to hear our friend Pam is out of danger and hoping she continues to take it slow this weekend doing her own version of maxing and realaxing... do you hear me Pam.
Take care Everyone, enjoy another beautiful summer day and keep your gas consumption low.
Good Morning PA - I feel like I spent most of the weekend out in the heat, maybe b/c I did. we had a great time at the Phillies game on Friday night and I am happy to report that none of the food even bothered me. Then we went to my MIL's yesterday and went to an outdoor italian festival. We had tons fo fune, not to mention the people who hadn't seen me since surgery and my many WOWs. What made me very happy was that hubby's great aunt still recognized me, she has had a stroke since my WLS and we weren't sure that she would know who I was. But as soon as I opened my mouth she told me I looked like a completely different person. Okay, so on to today... Hubby and I are going to check out our local LA Fitness and probably join. He is dying to have a pool to go to at all times and his pain management dr. says that is really the only type of exercise he should have. SO, why not go together right? After that we have to do some birthday shopping for my MIL, what do you buy the woman who buys everything she wants and then yells at you for buying her a gift at all? I guess we will figure it out. We also need to go grocery shopping. Now that I am not getting sick as much, I really need to get serious about food prep and eating different things. I am still getting most of my proteins from shakes and I am pretty sure from reading here that Dr. P won't be so happy about that when I see her on the 30th. Sorry I was so long winded but I hope you all have a great day. By the way, I am 2.4 lbs away from ONEderland. Hoping to make it there this week. I am ecstatic about WLS. See Ya, - Katie
I start my week vacation today and I'm a happy camper! It's hot and sticky today. Hoping the storms that come through later cool it off a bit. I have chicken breasts cooking in the slow cooker for dinner. Gonna spend the day cleaning and relaxing and thanking God I'm not at work.
Gonna peek in here once in awhile to make sure PAM is BEHAVING herself! Just remember Pam I'm still big enough to sit on you if your not relaxing. ... snort!
Have a great relaxing sunday.. stay cool!