I'm Home and here's the long involved story
Good heavens girl, what an ordeal you had!! You need to sleep for 2 days now to catch up. I'm so glad to hear Dr P was on top of things - we knew she would be - and glad you got to meet Dr Boe - he's a sweetie, too - guess they all are at Barix. But most of all I'm so happy to hear you don't have pain or a bowel obstruction - I guess we were all afraid of that for you. Now you just need to rest - I know you're reading the posts when you can - no need to respond to this one - just get some rest - get hubby's nerves back in order and get that gall bladder checked out as soon as you can. Take care - so happy to see you back and posting. Don't scare us like that again!! Kathy
Hee hee - sleeping for two days sounds awesome!! I slept from 4-9 tonight - and I'll be going back to bed probably within the next 1/2 hour or so. I like responding to the posts - it's kind of relaxing for me. I'll be calling on Monday to get the gallbladder checked. I'm hoping they can do the test during one of my days off - we shall see. Perhaps because I work at the hospital I can give them a sob story of having a few days off and being "squeezed in" during my time off. I'd prefer not to scare you guys - heck - I'd prefer not to scare myself again! This definately had me afraid - more so than the actual surgery I think. Thanks Kathy!

When they mentioned the obstruction - I was a crazy girl. I couldn't stop crying - hubby kept telling me it's not my fault - and I kept saying "it's a very very common complication after bypass - this IS my fault." Oh well. It was scary - but I'm ok. I slept for awhile tonight - and will be going back to bed shortly.
I appreciate your concern and thoughts! It really means a lot to me!