I'm Home and here's the long involved story

Pam Hart
on 7/12/08 3:04 am - Easton, PA
First and foremost - thank you all for your kind wishes and HG's updates. I really appreciate all of them. I can't respond to all of the posts now - I'm just to tired.

Ok...so it started with the 'pulling' sensation I had at work Thursday night. It did not stop me from eating, drinking, or doing my job. It felt like I had done some situps or what not.

Left work at 7:15. It's about a 20 min drive for me home. At 7:30 I pulled the car over - began to dry heave and had severe stabbing pain to my right abdomen.

Went home - tried to "walk it off" then took a shower then laid down for awhile....nothing helped.

Called Dr. P at about 9:15. She felt is was my gallbladder to and to get to the ER so off we went. Got bloodwork, ultrasound, and x ray (obstructive series) which is where they found a possible left sided obstruction (why I had pain in my right side we still don't know) The gallbladder looked fine but more on that later. Medicated with some heavy narcotics that made me pretty silly.

I was a mess - crying and what not - because I didn't expect an obstruction. They called Dr. P - she wanted me at Barix and I agreed. If I signed out of the hospital and went to barix myself, insurance wouldn't cover it because I was already in a medical facility. So Bayshore had to transfer me. By ambulance. But getting an ambulance crew to take a patient 1 1/2 hours is not an easy thing to do.

At 3:30 they told me they would pick me up at 7:30. Dr. P was notified - and was NOT happy. She started yelling about "get a helicopter and get her here NOW" So the ER doc complied - I was NOT happy about a helicopter ride.

Fast fwd to 4:30 - the flight crew calls - there is no landing pad at Barix. Where do they land me? (they hadn't picked me up yet thank goodness) Nurses call Barix - they don't know VP of Barix calls back - cancel the helicopter get the ambulance it doesn't matter what time. Recall the ambulance - pick up time is now 7:45

Ambulance doesn't get there till 8:15. I've been pain free since 4pm and at this point feeling ridiculous. I also haven't slept more than 15 minutes after working all night and I'm an emotional wreck. The inlaws showed up - and told me everything that could go wrong - thank you.

Got to Barix after 10p Much to my surprise, the OR team GREETED me at the door and said "take her upstairs, we'll see you down here" I freak out - you're not doing surgery if you don't need to. Go to room 205 - where lots of things are going on - Dr. P is examing me, lab tech drawing blood - xray tech telling me which xrays need to be repeated - nurses asking me OR questions. I look at Dr. P and say "You need to tell me why I'm going to the ER" She said "You might not - I need new xrays"

Get a boat load of more xrays including ones with contrast in which I needed to drink about 8 ounces of contrast in about 30 seconds. HA! Not fun (but I did it)

Dr. P looks at the xrays - I'm not obstructed. It must have fixed itself. Kind of sounds like Norm's issue which has me a little concerned. But I still am OR gunshy.

She wants to take me to the OR to do an exploratory lap procedure to look around. It's now 11pm. I don't want to - I haven't had any pain - the xrays are ok - I'm exhausted - my family is there - and why get cut for no reason? I tell her all this. She says it's not emergent, she is willing to agree with me - but if I have even one twinge of pain (which I promise to be truthful about) I'm in the OR no questions asked. Fine.

No pain all night. Try to sleep but woke up every hour doing laps in the halls for no apparant reason (the nurses were laughing at me) Talk to work - apparantly they have me covered already Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues and wed is my day off. Now I have to get Dr. P to approve it. I'm still nothing by mouth except ice chips - haven't had anything to drink since 5am Friday morning - and am miserable. also haven't slept.

Dr. P sees me in the morning - I'm doing more laps. Clears me for clear fluids. I get tea and broth and keep it down fine. Time for weighing in - Oh in good ol barix (and bayshore) fashion - guess who has gained 8 pounds in iv fluid in less than 24 hours. So its 8.6 now! LOL

PS: Meet Dr. Boe by chance. LOVELY LOVELY MAN

Get discharged. Dr. P doesn't know what's going on. If I have any pain I am to tell her immediately, get to an ER and insist on a cat scan immediately. Also get a script for a hyda scan from her.

Apparantly although my US was clear for my gallbladder, I could have something called "alithiasis cholecystitis" which means a horribly diseased gallbladder with no stones. This hyda scan will be a radioactive dye injected to me and then will basically cause a severe gallbladder attack if I have gallbladder disease and they time how long I am in severe pain as they "watch" my gallbladder fight to get rid of the dye. Sounds fun. If this test is positive, I need to get my gallbladder out.

I'm exhausted from everything and not sleeping. I am, however, no longer in pain or nauscious. I got to take a shower at Barix this morning. I am covered in black and blues from the multiple attempts at blood draws and ivs in both hospitals (my veins stink) But I am home, thankful I didn't need surgery, crying at all my wonderful comments on here from all of you wonderful people. I told you, I'm a bit emotional lately.

Hopefully will have the hyda scan done during my days off. Will also hopefully be at the barix meeting on Wednesday as I had previously planned.

Thanks again all so much - sorry for rambling on and on. Love you all!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Mary Benford
on 7/12/08 3:50 am - Emmaus, PA



     Norm and I have been checking back all day to see what's been going on with you...   we were really concerned.


Now that you went through all that, it stinks, but at least your pain is gone.    Just know as soon as you're not feeling well, get to the ER imediately.   You of all people know that.   They didn't know what was wrong with norm's twist until it happened, and they could get a picture of it.  which unfortunately involved him being in horrible pain, and having a bowel attack.


We're thinking and praying for you, and know if there's anything you need...   or even just an ear to let the emotions out, we're here for ya.


Much love,

     Success is a journey... not a destination!     

Pam Hart
on 7/12/08 6:06 am - Easton, PA
Thank you guys - I appreciate it.

Yes I will get to the ER if I have the pain or anything similar which I'm hoping I won't.

Also hoping that perhaps they hida scan will find a problem with the gallbladder and we can work on getting that removed.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
J. M.
on 7/12/08 4:52 am


First of all..I'm SOOOO glad you are okay.

Secondly, WELCOME! Welcome to the "Mystery Pain ASSociation!" It's brutal.  Of course, you did the right thing, by getting yourself checked in...but now your story and mine really has me wondering WTF.

Anywho...I was very worried...as was everyone else and we are all gald you are home safe and sound.  Please rest and take it easy.




~ Jen   

Pam Hart
on 7/12/08 6:09 am - Easton, PA


 Yea, it was weird to say the least.  I originally was upset about the pain - and to be honest - when they said the word "obstruction" I totally lost it.  Hubby kept saying "it's nothing you did" and I kept saying "it's one of the biggest complications of WLS so yes, it IS something I did"

 I feel much better - just tired - but that's from lack of sleep.  I'm taking it easy and had basically full liquids all day until just now I had some crackers to see how I handle it.

 Thanks so much - I appreciate the concern and kind words.


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Pam Hart
on 7/12/08 9:25 pm - Easton, PA

Message HiJack!  (Is it still hijacking if it's your own message?  LOL)  I LOVE the new avatar!


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 7/12/08 5:34 am - Pottstown, PA


Thank goodness everything is ok now and you are doing better!  Thank goodness for Dr. P too, it sounds like she really took care of you.  I have been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers so it is good to know you are home now..just remember one twinge of pain and get yourself to the ER immediately!!

Take care and get lots of rest!  (((BIG HUGS)))

Much luv!!


"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Pam Hart
on 7/12/08 6:11 am - Easton, PA

Thanks Laura I appreciate the kind words and concern.

Dr. P did take care of me which I knew she would  and she was very concerned.  Like I said, I basically refused the explatory lap which we shall see if that was the correct decision - so far I feel ok except for being tired - but that's from lack of sleep.  Hopefully I'll be able to correct that problem tonight :)

Thanks again


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 7/12/08 6:46 am - Pleasant Mt., PA


You have been a constant source of encouragement and inspiration for all of us.  I'm so glad you are ok  and will continue to do what is necessary .....

Prayers for you continue.

Pam Hart
on 7/12/08 11:11 am - Easton, PA


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
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