Good news re: Pam
Must say - I was a bit nervous about everything myself.
Thanks for thinking of me and keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I do appreciate it. There's a novel written by me about the whole experience if you have an afternoon to spare.

A little to close, actually :) It freakishly reminds me of Norm's trials and tribulations with twisted bowels which has me a little hesitant. However, first I have to get the hida scan done of my gallbladder to see if maybe that is the cause. I'm not looking fwd to that as I know if it is positive I will be in severe pain and will have to have surgery to remove that. Oh well.
Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and the kind words.

I had had a BM early Friday morning during the pain episode. Friday afternoon it was the beginning of an obstruction - "early partial obstruction" is what they called it. Apprantly, by Friday night it had "unobstructed" itself so by the time I got to barix - I no longer had one. I don't know what made it unobstruct - just thankful it did!
I was also able to have a small bm this evening. I was concerned as I had gotten a few doses of narcotics while at my hospital - and they stop me up in the blink of eye. But between the two facilities, I had received 4 liters of fluid so I guess that helped - plus at Barix I was eating ice chips.