Saturday Roll Call
Good Morning PA!!
I didn't see a post from Trish or anyone else so I thoght I would start it today...hope no one minds..
Please keep Pam in your thoughts and prayers today as we wait for another update on her condition.
Not much on the agenda today just food shopping. I am kind of tired..hubby took me out to a comedy club for my birthday and that was fun but we were out way past my bed time!! But it was fun! I laughed alot!!
Well hope everyone has a good day! Enjoy the sunshine!!!!!
Much luv!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Good Morning everyone - I just can't get Pam out of my mind - took a long walk this morning and did a lot of praying. I know I've only met her once real time but it seems like she's been a forever friend. She's in the best hands at Barix and with Dr P so that does make me feel better. My husband got the wireless up and running so now I can post on weekends - yeah!! Not much on my agenda todoay other than some housework and grocery shopping. Take care everyone - will be checking in from time to time to see if there's any news on Pam. Kathy
Good morning all,
Well, today is actually a HUGE day for me and my family. My mom past away 7 years ago and she was very famous for the BBQs she held. So after she passed away my brother and I vowed to have a memorial BBQ every year in her honor. So we invite all of our family and friends and Mom's friends and we all reminisce (sp) about all the good times. We usually have over 100 people. So today will be starting early for me...well, it's 9:20 a.m. and I'm about to get in the shower and then head down to my brother's where we're having it this year. And then the cooking will begin about 12:00. It starts at 1:00. But there is so much food, we have to start cooking before everyone starts showing up.
And this should be a WOW day also for my family who hasn't really seen me since surgery or a couple of months after. They've seen pictures, but pictures only show so much, as we all know. I started practicing my thank yous yesterday!!! Just kidding. But I will probably be saying it a few hundred times today.
Have a great day everyone!!!!
And I even made it into roll call? Now that's a tribute! lol
Today lets see - feels like just an extension of yesterday which is really just an extension of Saturday night.
I got home from Barix - and have basically been of no use to anyone. I don't want to sleep because I want to sleep tonight. I did make phone calls to all the nurses who took such wonderful care of me while I was at my hospital and dealt with the transfer situation which was difficult at best. I got the best care from some of my best friends - and they were all so very worried - so I let them know I was home.
I had some pudding and some ff cream of chicken soup. I also just had some crackers. I'm almost "waiting" for the pain to come back - not that I want it to - but I'm hesitant.
The rest of today - I'm trying to also take care of hubby. He was sooooo stressed yesterday - and still is today. He gets worried easily and it takes its toll on him physically. I just keep trying to reassure him that I am ok and that we'll get through this - and that he was my rock yesterday and I appreciate it. He only slept for 2 hours while I was at Barix. Poor baby.
I have a feeling we'll be in bed by 9ish or earlier tonight which is fine with me.