please help!

on 7/7/08 10:44 am - Philadelphia, PA
Went to the doctors today i have been having alot of problems with feeling like iam going to pass out they were there before surgery they have checked me for diabetics before sd i have vertigo but now it is getting worst doctor want to send me for a 3hr glucose (hope i spelled it right)test but how am i supposed to do that when it is sugar?she thinks iam hper something lol cant spell it,i have to get something done i cant live like this she also put me on meds for panic attacks and words of wishdom?
Shannon O.
on 7/7/08 10:51 am - Reading, PA
you can't do the gluose test because it is sugar and you will have the sugar bends... one person on here talked about it... and I asked my OBGYN and he said that if I would get pregnant again I couldn't do that test...

But i have had vertigo... I would feel light headed and everything would spin... I fell out of bed and cracked my head on my dresser the last time I had it... it isn't fun... but they put me on a med for it and it cleared up... it ended up that I had excess fluids behind either one or both of my ears that caused the problem...

I have a friend that has panic attacks and is on meds for them... but what you said doesn't sounds like a panic attack... if you like PM me your email and I will pass it on to her if you would like to talk to her about panic attacks... she has had them for years... and is very open about them...

Good luck hun!

on 7/7/08 10:55 am - Philadelphia, PA
i have had panic attacks for about 4yrs now was on meds before for them but hated it when i feel clamy and get the shakes i get scared and make it ten times worst i cause alot of my panic attacks  but as for the feeling like iam going ot past out dont have a clue about that
Happy to be in

on 7/7/08 11:19 am
List your daily intake of fluids and food, maybe its an inbalance of nutrition.

Some days your the dog and some days your the hydrant.

on 7/7/08 11:37 am, edited 7/7/08 11:38 am - Levittown, PA
It could be your blood pressure also.  I think I remember Pam saying something about being light headed and dizzy could mean that your blood pressure had dropped.  I too get light headed when I stand up sometimes too fast.   And I think the term you were tryiing to spell is hyperglycemic, meaning high sugar, I believe.  And there's also hypoglycemic, low blood sugar.  Not sure, though.  Pam, you out there???  LOL!!! Good luck.  Let us know how you make out.



on 7/7/08 11:45 am - Philadelphia, PA
Karen i really think it is my blood pressure dropping when i get like that and believe me i take enough food and fluids in durning the day lol
Patricia R.
on 7/7/08 11:52 am - Perry, MI
As for the glucose tolerance test, I would definitely find an alternative way to test for diabetes, because I can't handle the sugar.  The dumping/cramping would be horrific. Have you tried psychotherapy for the panic attacks?  There are coping strategies that can be learned, like relaxation techniques, and other types of skills.  I would encourage you to explore that in additon to the medications.   Good luck. Trish
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 7/7/08 12:05 pm - Easton, PA
Miss Karen is my lil nurse in training I see!  hee hee The glucose testing will make you dump.  HT had to go through it for the twins - and the girl from Delaware (sorry, I can't remember her name) recently went through it - dumped horrifically and advised everyone to refuse the test. If it is vertigo there is a med - Antivert that may help.  Unfortunately, there's no real diagnostic test (at least that I am aware of) that can tell if it's just vertigo or not.  I am under the assumption vertigo is diagnosed when everything else is ruled out.  I could be mistaken here. When does the light headed and dizziness happen?   Reactive hypoglycemia is a condition that is becoming more and more associated with gastric bypass patients - at approximately a year or a little less out.  It happens when you have a response to carbs.  Your blood sugar spikes and then plummets very quickly.  I believe Liz was experiencing this awhile back, and so does HG.  Write down everything you eat AND when these episodes happen.  The reactive hypoglycemic episode can occur from 30 minutes to just over an hour after eating.  Carbs such as bread, crackers etc are the worst culprits but it has been known to happen after other things such as large amounts of fruit or what have you that have natural carbs. If it happens more frequently when changing position (IE getting out of bed, getting out of a chair etc) it could be your blood pressure.  Are you on meds for your bp?  If so, it may be time to get them discontinued, or at least lowered.  Your doctor can do "orthostatic blood pressures" to see if you have a drop in blood pressure when changing position.  You lie down completely flat - have your blood pressure and pulse taken.  Sit up and do it again.  Then stand up and do it again.  Some people say the three should be taken in 1-3 minute increments (meaning sit for 1-3 mins before retaking) but that gives your body time to adjust - so if it is dropping, by the time you take it, the numbers might not reflect that. With the summer you do need to remember to increase your fluid intake.  You could be dehydrated and not even know it.  Water is best. As for the panic attacks - you said in one of your responses you cause some of them by getting nervous.  Although not an easy fix - this is something you can work on gaining control.  When you feel yourself getting this way, be it from the dizziness or whatever, sit down take a few deep breaths.  If it is your blood sugar going low, try a little bit of diluted orange juice followed by a high protein source like a cheesestick or something (Normally I would suggest straight OJ, but if you are reactive hypoglycemic, this might make matters worse)  Self talk is extremely important here.  Tell yourself (and mean it) that you know you will be ok, you will rectify the problem etc. etc. Well - that was nursing school 101 for all of yas.  Still double check with your doctor and get some follow up testing done. Pam
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 7/7/08 2:07 pm - Delmont, PA
When I first got sick I had horrific cases of vertigo and I was given Antivert.  It really didnt do anything for me.  I had to learn what triggered it and try to relax when it happened.  At first I would panic and try to keep walking.  HUGE mistake.  Relaxing and being positive really helps for me.  Sometimes they'll never know whats causing your problem.  Sometimes it goes away.  Sometimes it doesnt.  Take care of yourself.  Don't drive when you're feeling funny and try to avoid the things you know cause it.  Looking up used to cause it for me.  Even walking over a grate in the road could trigger it. Im sure when my neighbors saw me staggering they thought.....Diane has to be drunk!  I wasnt.  But I was scared to death.  It's important that people that are around you know what you are dealing with.  Sometimes even loud noises could cause me to get vertigo. It's much better now but there are times I still get it.  When I do I sit down and let it pass.  Sometimes taking a decongestant helps too.  Talk to your dr and tell them all your symptoms.  Diane Smileycons!

Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
on 7/7/08 11:49 pm - Croydon, PA
First of all, your avatar is beautiful.  I haven't seen you since before your surgery!  Second of all, I often suffer from dizziness and lightheadedness.  For me, it's caused by sinus problems and I can treat it with a medication that contains a decongestant AND antihistamine.  Your doctor can give you a glucose tolerance test, but it will probably make you dump and you'll feel horrible for a short time.  As others suggested, it could also be caused by blood pressure problems, particularly sometimes BP can drop when you go from a sitting position to standing.  For that, you can make sure you change positions slowly.   Whatever is causing the problem, I hope you find a quick solution to it.  Dizziness it NOT fun.

Blessings, Jill

WLS 5/31/07.  Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!

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