***Independence Day Roll Call***
Good Morning Everyone, First of all, Good luck to our 5Kers. God be with all of you as you run/walk today. Be safe. I can't sleep again tonight. Too hot or too tired, not sure what is going on. I will be attending my AA meeting later on this morning. Then, I head to the hospital to work. Afterward, I will probably play Scrabble with Mom, who is driving down today. Have a safe day. Hugs, Trish
Albert Schweitzer
Happy 4th Everyone!
I swear everyone in Pennsylvania was shopping in Giant Eagle last night. I'm praying that they got everything they need cause I have to work till closing tonight and we will be running on a ghost crew. Alot of folk were given off for the holiday. (Lucky them)
I really dont have anything planned for today. In a few minutes Deidre and I will take the dogs for our 2 mile walk and then I'll shower and get ready for work.
I hope the rain doesnt spoil anyone's day. Mine is already screwed because of work.. snort
Good Afternoon Everyone,
I am working right now until 6pm, then debating if I want to go out tonight or stay in. My mood and the weather scream "naptime!". But I may be "cosmic bowling" tonight with a friend, which sounds like it could be fun :o) Hope everyone has a safe and relaxing Independence Day! Carrie