****Saturday Roll Call****
Good Morning Everyone,
I can't sleep again. I worked three days this week, my first week of summer vacation from teaching and I worked three days at the hospital. I desperately need the $$$$$$.
Saturday will have me at my AA meeting in the morning, then going to an appointment. Sometime later, I will be taking in a swim. I also will be cleaning this mess of an apartment. I feed the cats and clean up the litter boxes, you would think they would pitch in and clean up for me, but no, they just lay around and sleep all day.
I tried to get in a walk in the evening on Friday, but the rain came in the middle of it, and cut it short. Oh well, at least I tried.
Have a great Saturday.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Good Morning Trish and PA - I havent been posting as much as my work schedule has really picked up over the last month and a half. This morning I am headed over to the gym, then spending some r&r with the kids in the pool most of the day and then later catching up on grocery shopping and house work. Enjoy and stay cool.
Kim Z
Good morning PA board! I just ventured outside to get my paper and it doesn't feel too hot yet, but it feels like it's getting there. Today I plan to go to the gym for some swimming, then to the farmer's market, then back home to do some cleaning and some relaxing, too.
Have a good day everyone!
we are going to breakfast at Idas a new place I want to try. Wil get in some high protein stuff.
Then we are going to costco and maybe Kohls.
Then on to the health food store to look into some chia seeds and flax seeds.
I have decided to really get down and dirty with my carbs and get them down but increase my veggie and fiber intake but with low glycemic index foods. I want to see if that will help with the weight gain and constipation. I am also stepping up my excercise so a trip to the gym will be in the cards today as well, wish jason would go with me
Good Afternoon All,
This morning I got my excercise in early...10 mile bike ride. Went to BJ's and now just hanging out waiting for the Ladies US Open telecast at 3 pm. Following the golf I'd like to take the dogs for a swim.
Tomorrow will be much of the same. Early bike ride, afternoon at the pool, final round of the US Open.
Wishing everyone a great weekend.
Teresa O
RNY 4/1/2008
Well theoretically at this time of the day (0030) I could start sunday roll call but I'll answer saturdays first.
First of all, I ended up spending the night at my gf house last night. her hubby was "on call" with his tow truck business, so he took the couch and me and her took the bed.
I got home around noon. Unfortunately, I am either suffering horribly from my allergies or have one heck of a sinus infection/strep thing going on. I got home and slept for 3 hours and then medicated myself.
Met my brothers and parents for dinner at their house and then we headed up to NYC to see Eddie Izzard - whose show was awesome.
A friendly debate turned a little ugly on the car ride home - basically because my one brother doesn't understand that debates are just that - and we are all entitled to our opinions - and he ended saying that we never agree with him and he's "always wrong" - we tried saying that we all had different opinions - but he was beyond that point already. So unfortunately, the night ended on a sour note. At least the show was fabulous though!!
I'm gonna medicate myself some more and then go to bed. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning....
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.