Drinking too much???
Albert Schweitzer

Mrs. B,
The other posters have given you very good advice. We are all different. I want to go another route here. Please don't compare yourself and what you are doing to your husband. It must be fabulous to have a real live person right there who has already gone through what you are now experiencing, but PLEASE this is your journey. The reason I stress this point is because somewhere down the line your hubby will probably be dropping the weight rapidly. As women we don't lose as quickly as men and I really don't want to see you become frustrated. You will read messages on here all the time about the scale isn't moving, I am stalled, etc.
The reason I bring this up with your post is because I can see (my perception, so if I am wrong, I apologize) that you are comparing yourself to hubby. As each poster stated we are all different. You may be able to consume more liquids but later that might change. As long as you follow the guidelines of your program. Remember these are guidelines only.
Like you, I had no problems with getting the liquids in. I never had any problems with beginning weeks and then later into when solid food was introduced. I am 2 years post op and have lost over 200 lbs.
Don't stress, enjoy your journey. Try not to compare. You are healing and maybe your body is telling you that it needs the amounts you are giving it. Trust me if you overdo the POUCHIE WILL GET GROUCHY, lol.
It is so great to see how wonderfully you and your hubby are doing. Keep up the good work.