not sure if I am offended or not.... ect=1809356&maven_referralPlaylistId=&sRevUrl= The idea of the story is high gas prices isn't all that bad for hte obese...we may have to walk more, or spend more times outdoors, etc
That woman, Meme and the news anchors should be put in their place.They were laughing and snickering throughout the entire story. They were very unprofessional! Some of their facts may have been accurate but the way in which they presented it was probably offensive to most. The mother of the children definitely looked upset and offended. Just my opinion.........Stefanie
Edit added below:
MeMe Roth (laughing)......" These kids are the luckiest kids in America; they may be the two children in America that do not grow up to be fat and diabetic. This is great news for them"
The camera cuts to the family as she says this and the father mumbles something and the mom rolls her eyes. I wish the camera had picked up what he said and stayed on the family.
The rest of the interview discussing obesity and somewhat bashing the parents decision on how much tv their kids watch per/day was a big laughing matter for MeMe and the news anchors.
It appears in the segment that the parents were there to discuss the price of gas along with their children's right to protest with signs about the high price of gas. Due to the high price of gas the family needed to cut out cable tv and interent in order to pay for fuel for their mini-van and the kids were protesting. Not protesting the parents decision but protesting the cost of gas.
After all that was said and done during the segment, the family needed to defend themselves by adding in that their kids play outside just as much as before and as you can see they are not obese and are tall and skinny and tan. Then the mom adds, it's not like they spend all day in front of the tv. The news anchor then ignores her last statement and quickly changes the subject and goes on laughing and talking to MeMe.
This was probably one of the most disrespectful interviews that I have seen in a while.
Again, just my opinion.
<3 Stefanie

I'm not offended. There were a lot of harsh truths, but those statistical figures are a reality unfortunately.
At least the kids are "tall, tan and skinny." Now that is NOT a message that mother should be sending to her children, although we know that is not what she was trying to imply.
Mom looked uncomfortable, but maybe becuase she is a little overweight herself and we all know how uncomfortable that makes us feel...not to mention on national television.
~ Jen
Nothing offensive to me there. I did some research on obesity in graduate school with a classmate, and she focused on Type II Diabetes in children, and the causes for the rise in childhood obesity. It is a sad fact of our society, and I think this article just barely scratched the surface on the topic.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer