Now its up to the insurance company...
I have finally completed my official 6 month doctor supervised diet which needed to be done before I could even send in a request for approval. I have pages of my medical records, a letter of recommendation from my Primary Doctor, an 8 page appeal letter I wrote myself, a letter from my dietician, and so on. I knew this day would eventually come but now that its here I'm scared. Mainly scared of rejection. I poured my heart out in my letter, full of facts and figures and research. I followed their criteria to the letter. I tried to cover every base. I don't know what more I could do if I get rejected. I've been scared to fax it over to Barix. Its like faxing it over finally makes it real, the past 6 months have only been prep and now its the real thing. I faxed all the papers over tonight. I'll call Barix in the morning to make sure they got everything and to make sure I'm not missing anything. After that they will submit my stuff to the insurance company and it will be wait and see time.
I hope I get approved quickly. Even a slow approval would be better than a denial. I guess i'll just have to wait and see now... *deep breath*
I have Dr Boe too. I just got approved Monday and my information was sent to my insurance co on Thursday. I received the letter in the mail today and should have my date sometime next week. I had to do the 6 month diet and thought it was taking forever and now all of the sudden things are happening quick. I heard he was scheduling for mid-end July. I called my insurance company to find out because I didn't want to wait. I have Highmark Blue Shield. Who do you have?
Good luck
I'm also a Dr Boe patient and I love him - he's terrific! And I had the same anxiety when my paperwork was finally faxed and waiting for approval - then it all becomes so 'real', but once you're approved (and you will be!) the real excitement begins. Congratulations on making it thru your 6 month process - that says a lot about your dedication and determination to get yourself healthier and move on with your life. Kathy
That's right - just keep deep breathing. I didn't know you were denied - I must have missed that back when you joined us. I'm glad you are resubmitting everything. It sounds like you have all your bases covered. Good for you for getting through the 6 mos diet plan. I'll keep everything I can crossed for you!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

I have Aetna which I've read is one the harder insurance companies to get approved. Some people say it was really quick and easy to get approved with Aetna but a lot of people seem to have the opposite experience. I've heard they need super detailed records and the wait time for an answer is long and so on. I haven't been denied yet, haven't submitted anything either. I wanted to send in my stuff right when I made the decision for gastric bypass but I knew I didn't meet their strict criteria. I mean - I meet the obvious criteria of being morbidly obese but the diet history wouldnt' be good enough for them. I know that I've tried a dozen different diet and exercise plans but never under a doctors supervison which is what they want to see. I just got an email from the Barix insurance coordinator and its not encouraging. The medical records my dr kept are not very detailed - what if the notes for the last 6 months arent' good enough. Plus I need to see if my dietician kept progress notes because her letters to my doctor I guess arent' good enough. Oh boy - this is not the news I wanted to hear. I hoped what I sent to her would be good enough for her to send to the insurance but if she thinks its weak then I suppose she suspects they will deny me based on what I records I have.