Finally feeling better
Hi Everyone.
I am finally feeling better. I went to the surgeons office today and had my 19 staples removed from my tummy. I asked him about the stabbing pain I have been having and he said that it was anchoring sutures that are pulling, and until I am healed up, that will continue. Today was the first day I haven't been on pain pills. It was time to start to come back to reallity.
I will go back to work on Monday. End of month....I couldn't have planned that any better. I will be busy but I will be able to sit and work so pain level should be tollerable.
I hope to get back to my Vitamin thread starting tomorrow. So be ready!!
Take care and thank you to all for you thoughts and prayers these last two weeks. I am much better without my hernia, and my stomach, at least under clothes looks almost like a regular persons. So that's a good thing. I also have met my $2000.00 deductible so hey no more Medical bills the rest of the year. No excuses for lab work now. LOL!
Sheryl H.
I am finally feeling better. I went to the surgeons office today and had my 19 staples removed from my tummy. I asked him about the stabbing pain I have been having and he said that it was anchoring sutures that are pulling, and until I am healed up, that will continue. Today was the first day I haven't been on pain pills. It was time to start to come back to reallity.
I will go back to work on Monday. End of month....I couldn't have planned that any better. I will be busy but I will be able to sit and work so pain level should be tollerable.
I hope to get back to my Vitamin thread starting tomorrow. So be ready!!

Take care and thank you to all for you thoughts and prayers these last two weeks. I am much better without my hernia, and my stomach, at least under clothes looks almost like a regular persons. So that's a good thing. I also have met my $2000.00 deductible so hey no more Medical bills the rest of the year. No excuses for lab work now. LOL!
Sheryl H.
Glad to hear you are feeling better and the pain you've been experiencing is nothing to worry about.
Take care, Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Hi Sheryl - I don't know where I've been mentally but totally missed you having the hernia surgery - we met at the pilgrimage and you were telling me how it needed to be done because you'd had it for so long. I'm glad the worst is over for you - take it easy going back to work - even with sitting all day you'll be tired because that was some major surgery you had. Hope you're feeling better soon. Kathy
Hi Kathy - I am feeling better, I am hoping that going back to work will be Okay. Phisically, the Dr told me I could go back as soon as I felt I could sit in front of a computer for 8 hours. Not sure I'm ready for that, but they need me back, and I can take it easy I don't have to rush back in. Take care and thanks for your well wishes. Sheryl H.