Weekend Roll Call
I've had a busy weekend, we have a nanny starting tomorrow for the summer and of course I want the house spotless so she gets the hint that I like it that way. But of course I also got a wild hair up my tush that I wanted to paint the bathroom on the main floor. So I did and it looks great. I'm a bit beat and sore for painting - and sad that it's not so easy to squeeze 265lbs of me to paint behing the can.
My mom drove in from NY to take my middle son home with her for a week. She brought me a Wii!!! I was so excited. Then we drove all over gods good earth trying to find Wii FIT to no avail. But needless to say I've bene playing tennis and boxing all afternoon and think that in itself will keep the old ticker pounding well enough until I can score Wii FIT.
That's it for me.
Ok I was having withdraws from no roll call PAM! I almost did it myself, but being a newbie I felt I shouldnt do it. Anyways.... Thanks for getting us back on track!
I was off Saturday and worked 9-5:30 today. I had a heck of a time concentrating on work today. I wanted to be home with our newly adopted basset hound. I found him Saturday up at Petsmart in Greensburg and knew I had to have him. The other two dogs took to him immediately and he leaves the cats alone. They think he's about 10 years old but you would never guess it. He runs around like a puppy and Dela (4 years old) cant keep up! He's the sweetest thing. He is extremely loving and needs lots of attention. You can tell he is very happy to be here. We do need to fatten him up a bit cause he's very skinny. We just finished dinner so Deidre & I will take Dela & Stubby for a 2 mile walk. I wish Sugar could go with us but in her advanced age she has trouble walking. I'll have to add his pics to my photo section.
I hope everyone has a great night!
I hope your weekend went well
Today is my 2 year wedding anniversary
I had to take my husband to the airport this morning as he has a business trip and will be in Baton Rouge until Weds afternoon.
We spent the day running errands yesterday.
Today I hung out with the kids and had a lazy day.
I did a weigh in today and lost another 3lbs so I'm down 83lbs since Feb 6th. Not too shabby.
Still having hair loss issues..... blahhh