6 years out struggling with low ferritin and hemaglobin

on 4/9/12 12:54 pm
please see the link in my tag line, PM me if you want/need more information

Oknee's just gotta dance
Weight at the start of Optifast 378 T-1 OR Weight 352
Broke the 300 pound Barrier 13-Dec-2009 291.2lbs 01-APR-11 "onederland"
HGBA1C 5.2  d/c from the care of  my Endocrinolgist 09-JUL-10 "diabetes resolved"
10-MAR-11 Extreme Sleep Apnea (dx 2007) resolved-"b-bye CPAP won't miss ya"

HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT IRON AND/OR http://theironmaiden.ca/                

Mary A.
on 4/10/12 2:05 am
I am 3 years post-op and have NEVER had my iron level within the acceptable range.

Luckily I am not exhausted, so my doctor just keeps an eye on it.  Although I do notice that when my menstrual cycle is happenning, that I do pass a lot of clots.(never used to before) so I took it upon myself to cut down on my iron intake for the 5 days and then ramp it back up again.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Karen M.
on 4/10/12 2:31 am - Mississauga, Canada
I don't understand - why are you cutting down on your iron while menstruating and then upping it again?



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 4/10/12 3:58 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
I have been dealing with low hemoglobin for over a year.  Every time I had my blood work done, which was often, it would be low in the 90s and then the doctor would say "we'll test it again in 2 months and see where it is then".  I tried 5 different supplements, but could only take one per day due to constipation issues.  My doctors never tested my ferritin for some reason though.  So when my fam doc finally sent me to a specialist, he looked at my hemoglobin (ordered by my fam doc prior to my appt) and told me that yes it was low but as it was still in the high 90s it wasn't dangerously low and to just keep taking supplements.  Then he said to get my blood tested again in a month and come back.  But that time he ordered the ferritin, which showed when I went back that my level was only at 5.  That made him think that he needed to do more and so he booked me for an iron infusion the following Monday.  I just saw him again and my ferritin was up to 16 and my hemoglobin was up as well (he didn't say to what).  So I will have my blood tested again in 2 months and every 2 months and he will monitor it and see if it starts to drop again.  I feel soooo much better now though!  It really  makes a difference.
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