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Chelea Holdt
on 7/22/09 5:10 am - Portland, OR
Topic: RE: OHSU patient support groups

Thanks for the suggestion.  I have notified both Shannon's, Vicki and the gal who sends out the monthly support group emails.  There is a lot of information out there and I hope the Facebook group will eventually grow and be useful to others.

on 7/16/09 11:15 am - OR
Topic: RE: Wasington gal en route to Oregon! "Good Samaritan" in Portland?
I, too, had Dr. Patterson as my surgeon for lap band surgery.  I liked her. I had gone to two other seminars at different hospitals trying to find a surgeon that I "clicked" with, and I found that with Dr. Patterson.  She has an excellent reputation and is a very capable surgeon. 

To be fair, Dr. Halpin is new the the OWLS program, but she got great reviews from her previous position.    In my follow up visits I have had the pleasure of meeting with Dr. H, and have found her just as straighforward and compassionate as Dr. P.  Give her a chance to, and I don't think you will be disappointed. 

Both are very capable Doctors, you just need to find the one that matches your personality.

Best of luck with your surgery Heather.................

Happiness is an attitude.  We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.  The amount of work is the same.  ~Francesca Reigler


(deactivated member)
on 7/15/09 7:57 am
Angie B.
on 7/14/09 2:31 pm - Seaside, OR
Topic: RE: Wasington gal en route to Oregon! "Good Samaritan" in Portland?
   Dr. Patterson did my RNY in April and I highly recommend her.  She has kind of a no nonsense, straight forward way of talking but she is really nice and has an excellent reputation as a surgeon.  I actually waited an extra 3 weeks to have my surgery so I could have her do it.  There were 2 other surgeons who could have done it sooner.   Dr. Patterson also does surgery in Vancouver,WA and has an office here, so that might be another option for you to get a little closer to home.  

HW 321// SW 278//CW 168
(deactivated member)
on 7/14/09 4:40 am
on 7/14/09 3:23 am - Salem, OR
Topic: RE: OHSU patient support groups
Thats ok, we all have those days.
on 7/13/09 8:58 pm - OR
Topic: RE: OHSU patient support groups
I did read her entire post, guess I just mis read it. Chalk it up to old age, and I should apologize for sounding so harsh.  I was having a bad dad.  So sorry.  I know we ALL need to be supportive of each other. 

Happiness is an attitude.  We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.  The amount of work is the same.  ~Francesca Reigler


on 7/13/09 2:33 pm - Salem, OR
Topic: Salem BOST support meeting

Heres' your friendly reminder of our support group meeting Wednesday night. (July 15) 6pm.  Salem Hospital Basement room D.

We will be moving our meetings but not until September, I'll let everyone know exactly when and where and give directions.

For now please remember the parking under the COM building which is the building across the street, entrance by the bus stop. You can park there, to get out of parking you just push the button, no need to get that pink ticket they tell you have to get.

Don't forget to keep bringing your recipes. We want to get lots to create our own book.


on 7/13/09 2:18 pm - Salem, OR
Topic: RE: OHSU patient support groups
Hi Chelsea,

Great idea, even though this is a great site not everyone is a member or signs on here. I know Facebook is becoming more popular so great idea. I have been to a few of the meetings and remember someone making this suggestion. You should make sure you let Vicki or Sharon know so they can pass the word along.
Its just another outlet option.
on 7/13/09 2:14 pm - Salem, OR
Topic: RE: OHSU patient support groups
Obviously you did not read her post completely. She did state that it was open to any and all patients. OHSU patients..   I to am sorry you read it wrong.
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