Lunch? Dinner? Get together?
I'm always up for something. I will watch for the when and where. I can most likely do a lunch, dinner or weekend thing. Gee, that sounds like I'm not very busy! The opposite is true, but I do have some flexibility.
I'm just surfacing from a medical crisis with my twelve year old daughter. Everything is going to be O.K. The end of the story is that she had an extremely rare side effect to an antibiodic. It was way off the radar as the suspect of what was causing her problems. It's called psudo-tumor cerebri, which basically gives you all of the symptoms of a brain tumor, but they keep not finding one. It started with a very bad headache. After a clear CAT scan they said it was a migraine, then after two weeks a stress headache, then viral menengitis, then back to migraine. She could not move her neck, had nausea, spine pain, double vision. After an MRI came back clear, it was starting to be in the "it's all in your head" which it actually WAS. Her double vision was still so bad that I made an appointment with an eye surgeon. She was the one who FINALLY saw that she had retinal pressure and sent us the the hospital. She was there three days. With a spinal tap, medicine, and getting off the offending drug..things are getting better. She missed three weeks of school, but is back full time this week. Unfortunately, it can take up to six months to recouperate. She isn't 100 percent yet.
One thing that upset me was that when I researched this condition, it is most common in female obese patients. The neurologist has no doubt of the cause of this in her case was a drug reaction (although I didn't ask in front of my daughter if her weight had anything to do with it). Still, the paranoid me who's life has been so impacted by obesity, is still worrying and feeling guilty. Like my son did, this daughter at the fifth/ sixth grade has got the pre-puberty pudge going on in the middle. I've been trying to keep my worries in check about it, because my son did the same thing right before he shot up and got to the other side of puberty. Suddenly, because of this whole thing I'm freaked out. She's about 5'1" and weighs 145. She's active (dances twice a week, rides horses, walks to school, trampoline) doesn't drink soda. Still, we're not exactly the family that puts fruit in the easter basket. Like I said, no doctors have mentioned her weight once in relation to this, but for people who do get this because of obesity, the first and most helpful thing is losing weight. So of course now I'm fretting about every calorie that she's eating (but not wanting her to realize this). I was a skinny kid, but I have read too many stories on here about the things not to do and say, so I'm trying not to repeat any of that. She's happy with high self esteem and body image. Just went to keep it that way and keep her healthy!
The only thing harder than worrying about my weight is worrying about someone elses (that I am responsible for and love).
Hope to see you guys soon.
There you are!
I was guessing it was matters related to in-laws that was keeping you away.
I am so happy to hear that this is resolving and she is getting better.
Man, how our own issues keep us hamstrung for a long time, eh?
Your daughter has a medical condition causing her to have a severe adverse event from medication. Patty, it is hard to offer you any advice because you are such a great mom and such a great person.
The fact is, though, if your daughter's weight is already a medical issue, perhaps you and she need to sit down and talk about a "special diet" so that she does not have a risk for more medical issues in her future. This would be necessary if she were a diabetic or had some other condition. I can't imagine that, after everything she has been through, that she would not want to prevent any health problems in the future. This can be very straightforward and simple. (I didn't say easy!)
Her self esteem won't be affected. You are not going to let that happen. This is simply an opportunity to teach her how to stay healthy. Being overweight doesn't have to be the main focus.
Someone once said that worrying is like a rocking chair, it keeps you busy but doesn't get you anywhere.
See you soon.

Yeah, you're right Tee. When it comes to worry or guilt, I'll find it! Her doctor is does not see it as anything other than a reaction to a medication. I know information is power, but sometimes I don't always benefit from that google button.
As I said, I am not really sure her weight is an issue. Not one of the six doctors we have been seeing this month have brought it up. I specifically asked at her physical five months ago if she was overweight, and was told no, that it was a pre-puberty go wide before you go up thing. She is big boned and is going to be tall. I have no intention to let it become a problem, but I am so aware of the not easy part when it comes to trying to monitor it and do the right thing.
My mother's saying was "don't buy trouble". I have really worked on this the past two years, but sometimes it still gets the best of me!
Thanks for your friendship and support.
Hi Patty!
Geez! You have been through too much! I'm glad to hear that your daughter is recuperating, but I know how frightening the whole thing can be for a Mom.
I am 5'1" and weigh 143, so she's not so large afterall. She has good self esteem and body image, so try not to worry too much. I know... that's easy to say.
So, we need to set up a date for "us girls" to meet. I am hoping to hear of possible days from everyone. Tee initiated this get together, so maybe we need to get back to her regarding place and time.
Take a deep breth and know that you're a great Mom, Patty! The rest will fall into place!
Hi Joy, I'm here, I've just been MIA as a result of EOM at work. This month has started off with a bang too!
I have every other Monday and every other Wed off. We are closed on Sundays so I'm always free then as well. I know Angel would like to join us sometime. I'll try to put the bug in her ear to come to the OR board.
Purchased a bike and I'm riding into work...It's 5.4 miles each way. I'm dead tired and headed to
followed by going to
. Please tell me it gets easier

Hey Girlfriend! How's everything going in your life? Wow! I am imp[ressed by your bike ride to work each day! Good job. Don't overdo it, okay? I don't know if it gets easier, Pat. I'm still "in process" too, ya know!
So, every other Monday and Wednesday and Sundays. Hopefully, we will get together and pin down a day and time. Any suggestions for a meeting place?

Nope, doesn't matter to me. I have yet to contact Angel. I know she can't do lunch during the week however!
Life has been hectic and this new exercise routine is taking up more time that I used to use on the boards. Boy have they changed!!!! The local boards will also be going that way in the next couple of weeks too!
Give me a call. Do you have my cell phone #? If not e-mail me for it.