Doubt creeping in...
Well, I wondered if any doubts would kick in during these last days before surgery next Tuesday. I still feel very positive about going ahead, and I will have the surgery, but I guess I'm looking for a little reassurance from guys on the other side.
The doubts come when I wonder how hard life will be after the surgery, but they're tempered by how much I know life will suck if I don't lose the weight and get healthy.
I had a phone call from an old friend who had heard I was having this surgery. His exwife had surgery several years ago and has not done well with her health. He acted as if he was jumping in to warn me of this terrible mistake I was about to make, and it was as if he thought I was going into this blind and dumb.
Of course I'm not, and I've researched and learned and tried to get healthier and stronger so that I'll be ready in mind, body, and spirit.
My doubts are also tempered by excitement and hope - hope for a return to activities and lifestyle that became difficult with the excess weight. Hope for an end to these co-morbidities, diabetes, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, asthma, carpal tunnel... This hope is sometimes the hardest to believe is possible. Your stories inspire me and give me hope.
Thanks for listening to an anxious fellow ramble on. I can't wait to join you on the losing team!
Hey Joe!
First, I'd like to say that I completely understand where you're coming from. I mean, all of us post-ops relate, right??
I have ZERO regrets. Yes, I wish I would have done it sooner, but I didn't, and that's ok. I love how I feel today, and I'm feeling better everyday. I run to the elevator now
I cross my legs
I can do soooooo many things that I couldn't do at 300 pounds. Besides, I love the idea of "having" to shop for new clothes
There are all sorts of adjustments that I have had to make. I'm one of those people who can't drink carbonated beverages at all--they make me too uncomfortable and I feel bloated and have gas for days! I also cannot have sugar. I get nauseous and very lightheaded--almost like I'm in a fog for a few hours. It gets hard to think and talk. Oh, it's a terrible feeling. I don't miss soda or sugar/sweets. It's definitely NOT worth feeling that bad. Dissatisfaction > (is greater than) the desire for soda, sweets, sugar
Of course, there are always surgeries of any kind that come with some sort of complications, and gastric bypass is one of them. I'm sure you've selected a trustworthy doctor, have done hours of research, and talked to friends & family (and, OH!). I had a friend, too, who tried to talk me out of the surgery. While I understood her opinion, I needed to do the right thing for me--and I'm soooo glad I did!
Good luck!