Reminder: Vancouver Support Meeting (All Procedures) on 4/25
Reminder of the new meeting starting TOMORROW!!!!
Come and be a part of this new incredible meeting!
Details below:
A support meeting for post-op bariatric patients, regardless of procedure or surgical affiliation.
Meets on the Fourth Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30pm in Conference Room B, Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital, 2211 NE 139th Street Vancouver, WA 98686. Conference Room B is located on the 3rd floor of the hospital. You can access the room via the skybridge from the 4th floor of the parking garage. Take the skybridge to the hospital (which lands you on the 2nd floor of the hospital). Take the stairs or elevator to the 3rd floor and Conference Room B is located near the cafeteria.
April 25th,2006:
Kick Off Meeting
May 23rd,2006 (In Conf. Rm B):
I had surgery, but now what?
June 27th, 2006
Long Term Success
FACILITATOR: Kimberly Berry
For more information about the support group or your chronic condition, call the Legacy Community Health Education at 360-487-1020.
Legacy Health System, a non-profit organization, includes Emanuel Hospital & Health Center, Emanuel Children's Hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center, Meridian Park Hospital, Mount Hood Medical Center, Salmon Creek Hospital, Legacy Clinics & CareMark/Managed Healthcare Northwest PPO. Legacy Health System is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. (c) 2006
As a part of Legacy Health System, Legacy Community Health Education Services provides logistical support for this group. We are not responsible for speakers or content.
Hi Kim,
I'm still in Brazil recuperating from my RNY with ring on 4/19/06. I saw my doctor yesterday and I'm down 17 lbs in the first week. WooHoo!
I'm sorry I won't be able to attend, but I'll hopefully be in town for the next meeting. I know being plugged into support will be critical for my long term success.
Is there an e-mail sent to the address on my profile as a reminder, or do I have to sign in to the site?
See you next month.
Hey there...
What a question to think about............ I've actually been thinking about a tattoo, but not absolutely sure yet. I think I may plan a trip. Probably with my sister seeing her 1 year is at the end of June. New wardrobe???? Hmmmm, been working on that already
Think I need shop-a-holics anonymous...
Now you got me thinking... Maybe I'll take a trip to Washington to see my friend, Lori.... hehehehehe
Take Care

I've been thinking about this for a while. I have been into body piercings and tattoo's for several years, and even tho I want a couple more it's just not THE thing I want to celebrate with since it's been part of who I am for many years anyway. I want new bulbs for my tanning bed, but I plan to buy those this summer instead of waiting til August.
I want to take a trip back home (Columbia, SC) to see my friends. None of them know I had WLS (long story - with many stupid reasons) and I want them to see how well I'm doing. I miss home and my friends. Ideally I'd like a boob job, but I believe I'll be saving up a while for that one! I've batted around the idea of getting restalyne to plump up my lips a bit, one of the docs I work for does it. DH told me today he wants us to take a trip to an offroad event held by another group (would be our first event that we weren't staff members at and had to work our butts off thru the whole thing). It's in Aug, and he thought it'd be a good surgiversary gift. We'll see, sounds fun to me! And no matter what, I'm gonna find a really hot outfit to celebrate!
I thought about a new tattoo, but I am kinda like Connie, I already have some, so it's not something for me to celebrate with. I have a butterfly tattoo on my lower back though
. I haven't really thought about it much. Lately, it seems like I will never make it to my goal! I haven't lost anything in over a month now. I did accidentally try on some 16w shorts yesterday and they fit! I was amazed! Congratulations on your 8 months, mine was today!
346/222/150... SOMEDAY

My hubby is supposed to take me to Las Vegas for a decadent weekend when I lose the big 100 lb. Now that I've hit onederland, I'm treating myself to some booth tanning. I may delusional, but I'm hoping that my bat wings and other places of saggy flesh won't look as bad with a little color on them.
Torrey (281/199/140)