suport group in portland or gresham area
Hi Angel,
I would LOVE to meet you sometime too. I think this time it is going to be on Wed. noon at Sweet Tomatoes which works for me. In the future she said we will try for an evening and possibly a weekend. I work in the auto industry so my hours and days off are wierd to say the least!! Fits me to a tee since I'm kinda wierd myself at times

There is a post op support group for Dr. Cagle and Dally's patient's that at this time is open to everyone. It meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 at Southwest Washington Medical Center (just across 205 on Mill Plain). There is also one starting up at the end of April at Legacy Salmon Creek. I know you are in Portland but it may be doable for you. It last for 1-1/2 hours and is really great with a good group of people.
Hello all - here is the info on the new meeting starting at the end of the month at Legacy Salmon Creek. Although it's kinda drive, 205 at that time is not too bad (7pm). We'd LOVE to have you there. This meeting is not tied to any sort of procedure or surgical group, it's just about support in post-op life for all. Ping me if you have any questions
A support meeting for post-op bariatric patients, regardless of procedure or surgical affiliation.
Meets on the Fourth Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30pm in Conference Room B, Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital, 2211 NE 139th Street Vancouver, WA 98686. Conference Room B is located on the 3rd floor of the hospital. You can access the room via the skybridge from the 4th floor of the parking garage. Take the skybridge to the hospital (which lands you on the 2nd floor of the hospital). Take the stairs or elevator to the 3rd floor and Conference Room B is located near the cafeteria.
April 25th,2006:
Kick Off Meeting
May 23rd,2006 (In Conf. Rm B):
I had surgery, but now what?
June 27th, 2006
Long Term Success
FACILITATOR: Kimberly Berry
For more information about the support group or your chronic condition, call the Legacy Community Health Education at 360-487-1020.
Legacy Health System, a non-profit organization, includes Emanuel Hospital & Health Center, Emanuel Children's Hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center, Meridian Park Hospital, Mount Hood Medical Center, Salmon Creek Hospital, Legacy Clinics & CareMark/Managed Healthcare Northwest PPO. Legacy Health System is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. (c) 2006
As a part of Legacy Health System, Legacy Community Health Education Services provides logistical support for this group. We are not responsible for speakers or content.