**Tuesday Roll Call**
Hi everybody. It's a beautiful, sunshiny day here today. I can't wait to get outside and enjoy it!
What are you up to today? Are you taking good care of yourself? Do you have special plans for Valentine's Day?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Do any of you log into the Discovery Health Channel log site? I was reading today about "Binge Eating Disorders." It listed the symptoms and consequences. It talked about having your health care provider do bloodwork to assess things. Here is what it said:
"?B12 and folic acid intake assessment -- because of the important role folic acid and the B complex vitamins play in the onset of depression and anxiety. Lack of B12 and folic acid can lead to, or be caused by problems with the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates and fat, and with the body's ability to absorb nutrients."
I was really struck by what it said about depression and anxiety. I have been struggling lately with both, and I am now wondering if maybe I am getting low in my B vitamins and/or folic acid. Boy, I'm going to make sure I do NOT miss my daily vitamins! It is a good reminder to make sure we are staying on top of how we feel and how we are absorbing all the vitamins and nutrients we need. I see my PCP the end of March, and I will be real interested to see what my levels reveal. Just thought I'd share the info.
Do any of you know when the next support group meeting is in the Portland area? I attended one meeting through Kaiser/Sunnyside in January, but I missed the last one, and haven't received any notice of when the next one is. I'd also be interested in getting together informally during the day for coffee, tea, and/or lunch if anyone is interested. Name it and claim it!
Well, you all take care, and I hope you will take a few moments to post so that we know you are doing okay.

Hi Peg,
I don't have any special Valentines Day plans yet. I know we don't plan to be dining out anyplace nice that day. I stay away on Valentines Day and Mothers Day because it's just too busy. I can feel the server's stress. I'd rather save going out for ordinary day. Now that my sixteen year old has his liscense I could have him take out his two sisters to a movie and to eat. Getting rid of everybody - now that sounds like a good start to Valentines! My sixteen year old son has his first serious girlfriend. He's already stewing about what to do for her, and I have a feeling I will be somehow involved. He does pretty good with his own ideas, but he likes her so much and is so paranoid about getting it right. It tugs my heart to see him this way. He also seems to recognize he is rather clueless as a lot of guys are. After all - he's the son of the man who bought me a vacuum cleaner for my birthday the first year we were married. Yes we did need one and it was a dandy, but he was so puzzled when I started to cry.
The next support meeting at Good Sam in Portland (22nd Ave. Wistar Morris Conference Room) is February 22 at 7:00.
Friday looks good to for me. I like the soup at Red Robin (by Washington Square). I'm open to go anywhere though! Also....if there are any pre-ops lurking out there this invite is by all means to you too! I was pretty shy about all of this in the beginning, but we would love to get to know anyone at any point in their journey.
Hi Patty. I am planning to be at Red Robin this Friday. Did anyone post the time? 11:30 or noon? Do you have a preference? Where is Red Robin at Washington Square? Is it new? Is it in Washington Square Two?
I'm trying to decide whether I can make the support group meeting on the 22nd at Good Sam. I was hoping to find one during the day. Our church meets for dinner and activities Wednesday nights. I'll see. Where is it at Good Sam? I'm not familiar with the conference room you named. Is it in the hospital or one of the adjacent buildings?
I'm looking forward to getting to know you and the others who show up on Friday, Patty. Thanks for all the good information you share on this site.

Hi Katrina!
I hope to meet you at one place or the other soon. I may not be able to do Good Sam this month - I've got to see if I can move something.
I wanted to say that I read your profile. You are doing just terrific! You already have a WOW picture down at the bottom. Didn't you like that weight gain when you got home from the hospital?!? I'm glad your son personally made you a D-lite pizza from Papa Murphy. I love the veggie one and really feel like I'm livin when I get to eat pizza.
My Daughter in law and I got gift certificates for a day at Dosha for Christmas and she is driving down on Valentine's Day so we can do the deed the day after. My son works in Hartford Connecticut during the week so she would be on her own on their first married St. VD. Awwwwwwwwwww........We'll have to keep her busy.
We don't do much for St.VD. My husband is the true romantic. A card from me and maybe a special dinner, a movie. No particular plan.
Red Robin on Friday is A-okay with me. I have to get new tires at Washington Square and that sounds like a plan to me. Sears is right across the street. They can put the tires on while I yak with you guys.
Hi Joy. Sorry you can't make it to the Friday lunch thing. I'm not sure I can either, but it sounds like Patty, Tee, and a couple of others might make it.
Thanks for the info on the Kaiser meeting. I assume it is on a Saturday, but what is the date? I thought they were going to send me something since I registered, but so far, I haven't seen anything in the mail. Anyway, I would like to be there if we are in town.
Hope to see you soon.

ARRRGHHHH! How could I forget the date!!??
It's on Saturday, the 25th of this month. Yes, I wish I could be there, but Joe's having some medical problems related to his Diabetes, so we have appointments all week. I'm free next week, if anyone's interested. If not, I will catch everyone the next time around.