First round of pre-op appointments ...
Hi everyone!
I did it ... I finally got my application into Legacy/Good Sam and now I have my first set of pre-op appointments! I go on Friday, January 27th to do bloodwork, an EKG, and the psych test. I don't know why I'm so worried about the psych test! Although I can't imagine sitting there for 2+ hours answering questions. How many questions can they ask a person anyway?! Jeesh! Ha, ha!
I'm really a bundle of nerves right now. I am excited and scared all at the same time! For some reason just knowing I have my first set of appointments scheduled brings a whole new sense of "reality" about this. Can't wait though!

That is so great Deanna! You are right to sense a new sense of "reality". Looking back I realize now that there was no real turning back for me once I had gone to the first information session.
Easy for me to say, but don't worry a bit about the psych test. The written part is about 500 questions, but it is fairly obvious what they are looking for, as in very major symptoms. I wouldn't go so far as to say the phych exam is a joke, because I do think it is an important thing to be assessed for. I don't remember if it was the doctor himself or someone along my process that told me that something like 98 percent of the people he screens pass for surgery. You'll be fine!
Good luck on the next set of appointments. You are on your way!
So glad that you have made those steps. I know what you are going through cause I have the same insurance. I am going to call OSHU this week to get my NP visit cause my PCP has sent all the information in that we have don including my last lab tests. Hopefully things will start to move along for me after my informational meeting I have been really pumped about this surgery. I want to get on the other side soon..Sonya