Brandi here!
Hiya! I know it's been forever since I have bad..LOL! I miss ya all bunches and could really use the support, but I just feel soo different with the pregnancy and all. Being pregnant during surgery has just brought soooo much bad juju my way from people on OH, that I kind of avoid it.
Anyway, baby Sydney Nicole is doing great and due in 4 weeks. My WL stopped a few months ago, but I have not gained at all. I throw up a lot still, mostly because I can't tolerate foods, I eat too fast, or I eat too much, mainly it's all my own fault.
I am sooo happy to be having a baby, but have had some bad new lately. My father, who lives in Denver with his wife, had a heart attack last Sunday. I flew to Denver on Monday and he was alive and on life support. By Thursday he was totally off life support and was able to speak, he slurred his speech badly. He said my name and my brother's name. I came home today and then found out he has extensive brain damage on both sides of the brain from the lack of oxygen. He had died and was brought back by the EMT's. It's been a rough week. So I am trying to distract myself.
How is everybody else doing???? Dinka?

Hi Brandi. I am so glad you posted! I wondered where you went. I'm sorry to hear about your father. That must be so hard on you. I'm tickled to hear that you are doing well even though you are still throwing up. I remember when you posted about being pregnant, and here you are just a month from your due date. I love the name of your baby girl. Do let us know how you are doing. Okay? Take care.

I'm so sorry to hear about your father, but am thankful that he's on the road to recovery
I'll make room for him during my prayers tonight.
I read your profile, specifically the top 100 reasons for WLS. I was laughing so hard! I loved the one about squeezing between two cars and having to wipe the dust off your stomach and butt--it's happened to me countless times! What a hoot
I, too, really like the name you've chosen for your new baby. I hope she loves it just as much as we all do.
Take care, Brandi! And thanks for your post
I'm glad to hear you're doing ok.

Talk about good news/bad news!
Congratulations on the baby. If you are not aware of the pregnancy board, I have seen it referred to on the main board.
And, on a sad note, please accept my warn thoughts for you on the loss of your father. My own father died young (51) and I was only 22 at the time. It's tough, I know.