Yesterday I made the call.
Often times the first step is the most difficult, so be sure to give yourself a pat on the back.
So what led you to take this first step? What are you looking for? Are you or have you joined a support group?
Keep us posted and use this board for support as often as you need--we're here for you!

I have a good friend who had a gastric bypass a while back, and seeing her before and after pics inspired me. My primary care doc had already brought up the possibility of a surgery as my weight has not significantly fluctuated in 5+ years. I am looking into the possibility of a lap band as I feel that is the best fit for me. I'm not in a support group but the folks on here seem great and that works just fine for me!
Thanks for the support, all of you.
I'm glad to hear that you've been talking to your PCP about it. I have a few friends who have had their surgery and didn't even tell their general doctor. To me, having the support of my general doctor is important for my overall well-being and safety.
Your friend will truly be an asset as you advance through the process. At work, there are about 20 people who have had the surgery and we all seem to bounce ideas off one another all the time
I couldn't imagine going through this without their help.
Keep us posted and let us know how we can support you!