got a date
Well I just got the call this afternoon feb 1st.I cant explain how exited and a little worried I am right but so feeling good about it.I have been reserching for awhile now and was alone on xmas,Wow this is the best present ever I couldnt ask for more.haha I think im more scared of going to a support group, you know getting up the nerve .But I know it will help me and im actually looking forward to it I know I dont have to go if I dont want to but I think it will help in the long run.I will be back more often now I know I have a date set and thank you to everyone who had awnsers for me when I first came here.Talk to ya's soon.
Michael G
Congratulations! I read your profile and found out that your date is just a few weeks away--February 1st! Hooray!
For me, once I received my date, it all became so real--so tangible. I imagine that must be how you're feeling. I agree with what you said about it being a present. The gift of an extended and healthier life is the best present anyone struggling with their weight can receive!
Good luck, and let us know how we can support you!

Hi Michael. February 1st sounds like a great day to start a new, healthier life. Congratulations! That's so wonderful!
I went to my first "official" support group this past Saturday at Kaiser Sunnyside. The first hour was devoted to those who are post-WLS, and the second hour was a mix of those who have already had the surgery and those who are thinking about having it. I can see that it would be a great place for support, and I am going back. I wish I had gone before I had my surgery, but my situation was pretty different from most. Anyway, I would encourage you to find a support group and settle in. I bet you will find that you fit right in and can really relate. Take care, and do keep posting.

That's just great Michael!
As far as support group...go! I am not a real joiner and I have an absolute fear of public speaking. I'm a jabber mouth, but get me in a group bigger than about five and I will feel anxious with something as simple as having to say my name and where I live. The difference with WLS support groups is that you are in a room with people that are in the same boat as you. They have lived with the issues you have, and felt most of the feelings and experienced the struggles that are unique to this issue. I was so interested in that - that I really didn't have time in my head to get all shy or feel reluctant. It was so nice to get together with some people and not even think for a minute about what I was going to wear or how I was going to look (usually that was first in my mind because of feeling like I was so huge, whenever I got together with people). This is such a big change, and one the people in your own life are not going through. Therefore, I do suggest you go ahead and hook up. It's a good thing!
Good luck!
Thank you for the congradulations everyone.The support means so much to me cuz right now I have so many butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it.Thank you patty for the advise Im going to call the hospital today and get the for sure date and time I know its on every 3rd thursday here in salem or somthing like that.Chairity if you mread this I have a question for you well anybody for that fact.could you tell me where you go to get your vitamin b and protein powder,And how much$$$if possible That would help me so nutritionist said costco was a great place for the drinks but unfortunatly I dont have a costco card lol.If I could get any feedback on this asap I would soooo appreciate it.Thank you once again and talk to ya'lls soon.
Hi Mikey!
I get my B12 (Solaray B12, 1000 MCG) at LifeSource on Commercial St. From what I remember, it's like $10.00 - $15.00 for a three month supply. As far as protein powder, I buy the powder by Nectar from They're great because I mix them with different flavors of Crystal Light for a fruity taste. They're about $29.95 a "bottle." They're by far the best protein drink I've tried so far. Right now, I'm getting enough protein in my food that my nutritionist said that I can do a protein drink every other day just for a boost.
Good luck, and let us know if you need anything else!
Thank you chairity that helps alot.I will be going to life source today and found out my sis has a costco card and will probly get my drink there seeing its so close for the first time.Thats a great idea using crystal light though I would have never thought of that.I hope everything is going good for you and kids .thanks again.