Help!!! Insurance coverage
Hi, I am looking to have the surgery done, I would prefer (ha ha) to have insurance pay for it, but I dont know of any companies that cover it and if they do through what employers. I live in Eugene, and am willing to apply anywhere there might be coverage. I am trying to save to go to mexico but 10,000, who knows where I would get that. Life is a struggle anyways without trying to save money I dont have, I am a student and single mother. Anyways, any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Diertra
Well, I know that Federal Blue Cross/ Blue shield will pay for the surgery. It covered all but $100 because I got preauthorization for the surgery and had it at a proferred provider hospital and Dr. I got my insurance through the Postal Service. Not only good insurance but not too bad a salary and benefits. I believe about $15/hr to start. I would recommend a clerk position. Jer