Sunday's Roll Call
Here's the questions of the day for New Years:
!. Did you overindulge with food last night?
2. Did you get drunk last night?
3. Did you burn down the house while celebrating with fireworks?
Well, of course we are WLS patients, so my answers are:
!.Of course not. I wanted to watch the New Year come in, not look at the bottom of the toilet bowl yacking LOL
2. No, darn it. Although now it seems like it wouldn't take more than a glass of anything with alcohol in it to put me under the table. Even an 8 oz glass of wine makes me woosey.
3. Now you know those are outlawed in this area. And ha! I don't even own a house! So there!
Hope you all had a great new year, and that this new year will set new milestones for you in your journey for better health.

Hey Jer....Happy New Year.... I am a Patient in waiting....for insurance.I went to church and did indulge in food and drink....It's my last, of course... questions one answered. And athough I didn't think I was drunk ( I rarely drink) I am having a lot of trouble typing the answer to this....and three...I hate fireworks since I was 16 and accidently dropped a match into a very large box of fireworks in my bedroom and almost set the house on fire. Now, I love them only on television!! Best wishes to you and continued success on your life's journey in 2006. I am hoping that my insurance will be ok'd and I will have my surgery the end of January. Sue Potter
Hey Jer!
1. Nope, I ate some brussel sprouts and chicken--yum! And of course, I, too, didn't want to throw up, so I was careful with the amount of food I ate.
2. I don't drink--guess my answer is "no" here. I did partake in some sugar free hot cocoa though
3. Not this year. I do remember a few firework accidents when I was a child. In fact one year, my dad lit one under my mom and she nearly fell off the deck! She yelled at him for a good 5 minutes! But no fires
Happy New Year to everyone!

Hey, Jer. Happy New Year Oregon! I just know it is going to be the best year ever! Here's to good health, love, and happiness. May you find all of them in abundance. Now on to the answers:
1. Did you overindulge with food last night? Yes.
2. Did you get drunk last night? Nope. Don't drink.
3. Did you burn down the house while celebrating with fireworks? Nope. Just went outside and yelled Happy New Year while other neighbors were busy with their fireworks. I guess I'm getting old!
Have fun everyone.

Hey Jer....I've been acting hung over all day (sweat pants, reading, napping, etc.) but I'm really just tired from cooking and cleaning for a dinner last night. We have a dear friend in the merchant marines who docked in Portland. I guess we too are getting old, because neither he nor we were motivated to make it to midnight. He wanted to be off the road and back on board ship by 10:00. For my kids sake my husband and I stayed up and watched the ball drop, but I think we were asleep by 12:10!
1. Kinda! I made this great beef stroganoff over rice, and apple cake with rum sauce. I feel like I indulged not OVERindulged. When I step back and think about it - I had moderate portions and no seconds. In this maintenance phase, so far this works for me. It was very enjoyable!
2. Nope! I had a glass of champagne but dinner made me too full to have more than that.
3. Passed! I have a bunch of fireworks in the garage from July 4th, but I chose not to reveal that fact to my sixteen year old son. He's of the age and gender that I don't want to even suggest stuff like that. Plus my dog just comes unglued with thunder and fireworks. My husband always goes on the porch and plays his trombone though.