My Hair! How long will I lose it?
I am now 5 months out and am beginning to do what I have dreaded (and wished wouldn't happen). Big clumps in my shower and on my hairbrush. For anyone that may know, please fill me in on how long you dealt with this, what happened exactly and what I have to look forward to.
Thank you. I hope you are enjoying your holidays. I am the happiest I've been in years!
You'll keep losing it as long as you keep using those huge wacky curlers. Yeah, you know which ones I'm talkin' about. The ones with the snow tire studs imbedded in them!
But actually,I don't think anyone knows because every one seems to experience different scenerios. For me I used to see more hair in the shower, sink, and hair brush before my surgery. Now the only hair I see around is cat hair. My mane is a little thinner, but i don't know where it goes. Never came out that I could see, and especially not in clumps, or i would have thought that I had mange or something. lol Some seem to lose a little, some a lot, but all the comments seem to say that "Don't worry, it will grow back!" There have also been recommendations as to what products to use to stop or avoid it, but again most of the comments seem to say - "None of it helps!" Oh, and to be safe I say - "Don't try this at home" and "Your results may vary" Jer