Moving to Portland, OR area
Hi all. I had WLS (Lapband) on Dec 9th. Things are going great, however, it looks like we will be relocating from Texas to Portland. Can anyone out there recommend a doctor who specializes in the Lapband? I am due for my first fill in January and will have it here in Tx. I have been told that it may take 3-4 times before I have the "right" fill for me. So that means that I will have to find a doctor in Portland for the other fills. Any recommendations you can send my way would be appreciated!
Hi Nellie. I believe Dr. Emma Patterson and Dr. Dennis Hong do lap band WLS. They are both located at Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland. Neither is my surgeon, but their names have popped up a lot on this Oregon Board. I believe Dr. Hong is one of Dr. Patterson's associates. She is the lead physician, but he is doing many surgeries too. Good luck, and let us know when you get here. Some of us are getting a support group up and going, and you just might like to join us.

I have met Dr. Patterson and Dr. Jan (Dr. Jan actually performed my surgery in October). Both are very personable but Dr. Patterson is extremely busy creating the Legacy Obesity Institute (lots of administration on top of surgery and new twins). They do not perform fills for patients banded outside the US. If you were banded outside the US (and your profile doesn't suggest this), then you'd be out of luck with Dr. Patterson, Dr. Jan and Dr. Hong. Since your doctor is in the US, I'd have him draft a letter to them identifying you as his patient as well as a general statement of the care he's provided (and, of course, indicate that he is willing to forward any medical information if they are willing to accept you as a patient). (503) 227-5050 is a good number for all three doctors. Good luck on your move!
Thanks Lori. I was banded in the U.S. - here in Ft. Worth. I was lucky enough to have insurance coverage for the surgery - so Mexico was not an option
Thanks for the information on both doctors. I will keep their number and call as soon as we get a move date. Your help is very much appreciated!

It will be great having you join us here in Oregon. I was banded 14 months ago by Dr. Tersigni, he out side the Portland area. I have some additional contacts of Dr.'s that do fills, the prices range from $250 to $150 I would be happy to share the info with you. Save my email address and let me know when you're ready for the info. Also keep your eyes out at they are opening fill centers around the US, there isnt any in Oregon now but who's to say there wont be by the time you are here.
Good luck on your journey !