Hello everyone Im a newby here
Hello everyone just thought I would come oon and introduce myself.I havent made my profile yet but my name is michael and im from salem.Photo to come.I havent got a date yet but I go see the nutrisionist on monday any advise?? in what to say hear or excpect?? lol Im still in the half scared half exited stage but I know this is what I want to do.Like I said im from salem and dont plan on driving to portland and mcminville for a support group.So If anyone would like to chat or write feel free directly at [email protected] Im glad to see everyoone doing so well and up commers getting ready that makes me feel so much more secure with this.Hope to talk to you soon.
Hmmm, sounds like you have Kaiser. I for one didn't have to see a nutritionist, go on a supervised diet, or attend any classes, other than one support group class. Call me lucky. Had I had to do that or had an insurance co. that was hard to work with as far as coverage, I probably would have given up early on. But that's me. Want to welcome you and wish you luck on your journey. I had my lap. surgery done in coos Bay. Took about an hour and was in hosp. for two days. have lost 80 lbs in 4 mos. For me it was not a scary experience because I had upmost confidence in Dr. Tersigni given the 800 plus surgeries he had done. Just think positively and how good it will be to be able to be slim again.

Hi Michael. Welcome aboard. This is a pretty exciting time for you, I'm sure. Is your nutritionist one who works with people who are having
WLS? If so, he/she probably knows a lot of the answers to questions you don't even know yet to ask. I wish you good success, and I'm really glad you posted. I spend most of my time on the Christianity Messageboard, but I will check back from time to time to see if you have posted. You are on your way, Michael. Good luck on Monday, and let us know what you find out!

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.Im having my surgery at ohsu dont know who my surgeon will be but I hear they are all real good.I am disabled and have medicare.I am looking so forward to being thinner again I thjink it will take so much pain out of my bone structure as well as being more healthy.I dont think im so much scared of the surgery but more of the mind part of it.Im getting the y-en procedure medicare would only pay for 2 and I didnt want the one where you had to worrie about bowel leakage ((yukk)).Thay also require a phsyc evaluation lol I go in for that on the 19th.And should only take a month or two for a date,So Im thinking around febuary.So far I havent seen any support groups here.I talked to someone from here and she said whene she went to one in portland and everyone was real negative and was complaining on how bad they felt so she never went again.I dont think ill go to that either plus im just looking for one closer.I did find one in mcminville but dont know yet.Im planning on getting out and feeling great about it myself dont need ppl bringin ya down if you know what I mean.Was nice meeting you all and hope to talk to you all soon.Thank you again for the warm welcome and take care.
Hi Michael! Welcome! I go to the support group Kaiser Skyline has on every 3rd thursday of the month...you don't have to be a member or have had your surgery through them to attend. We have people who went to Mexico, who have had surgeries out of state, etc. Hope you find a group that you like! I have heard from the postops we have that they really like coming back to keep them on track and just to share their stories. Love to see you there!
Thank you charity and heather.Im sure I will be visiting soon and cant wait.Im so exited.I have to see the phsyc eval on the 19th.just went to the nutrisionist on monday and she was sayiing im a very good canidate and loved all the questions I was asking.lol out of all the critical questons I just wanted to know if I can use pepper,curry and garlic hehehe.think that tickled her a bit.;o).talk to ya soon.