whoa, Nellie!
ok, have lost some 80 lbs - from 270 to 190. That sounds good, but now as I look in the mirror I wonder. My ideal weight is 175, which means 15 more lbs. But wait! How much does extra skin weigh? When I look in the mirror I still look a little heavy. But when I'm laying down on the bed reading my rib cage protrudes. My shoulders feel a little bony, not to mention my behind where a lot of padding has disappeared. In fact it is uncomfortable to sit through a good movie as I no longer have that cushion. Also my energy level is dropping. I'm not getting in enough protein I guess. But it is hard. The protein drinks taste awful to me. Ony hard boiled eggs, ravioli. and steak taste good. Liked shrimp for awhile but now that makes me feel yuck. No problem with salads or fruits or veggies. But most things with protein make me feel yucky. Even when I haven't eaten in 8 hrs and my stomach should be empty I can't eat much. Yet other times I have no problem getting down a 5 oz steak and bowl of veggies like beans or peas or corn ( small can that is) Maybe I shouldn't lose anymore weight, but how do you stop losing when you don't feel like eating the protein foods? Things I eat - top sirloin steak, canned veggies, carrots, fruit like bananas, grapes, peaches, canned fruit, cottage cheeze, canned ravioli, soups, salads, rice krispie treats, breakfast bars, hard boiled eggs, Dinty Moore beef stew, some TV dinners while others taste like
. What's a person to do?

During my losing period I had times when I worried about the distribution of the weight loss. My arms had lost enough, but it would seem like I would lose more there, while still hanging on to some obvious excess on my hips. Also seemed so bony in areas. I really started to be concerned that my tailbone was protruding close to the surface and was I going to get a pressure sore there?!? Also couldn't sit still for long without shifting positions because it hurt my butt, even when I was sitting in a cushy overstuffed chair. And I was cold all the time! Sound familiar? It seems that somewhere along the way that stuff resolved itself, or at least doesn't bother me anymore. On days I don't think I will ever lose that last ten pounds I eye my excess stomach skin and KNOW it must weight at least ten pounds - so I'm closer to 140 than I think right?
It seems there is an ebb and flow to appetite post-op. For me it seems to average out and I don't worry anymore that sometimes I can eat so much and other times I am just not hungry. It seems like you are trying a variety of foods and have found some that agree with you. I would talk to your nutritionist about ways to increase your calorie intake if you reach a point where you don't want to lost any more. Running your labs might tell you if you are missing something. It looks like you tolerate enough protein sources that if the protein shakes don't agree with you forget about them. I haven't had one since about a month out, but I get all of my protein. Remember too, that your tolerance for things will change and most likely improve over time.
Hope your energy picks up!
Hey, I like your new pictures. Well, hopefully things will smooth out as you say. Guess I'll miss those big Thanksgiving day meals a little. The good part is I won't have leftovers for a month. LOL But this also gives me an excuse not to go over to my EX's and her family.
I tell them I can't eat any of the stuff anymore. The pumpkin pie with whipped cream is what i'll really miss. Hmmm, i may just cheat a little. LOL :hahaha: Is Safeway still open?

You know you can eat pumpkin pie...and they do make a sugar free splenda one at Safeway!! Throw on a little homeade whip cream...made with splenda of course...and a few bites should satisfy that Holiday Sweet Tooth! I am preop, but my step mom was here this past weekend and bought one for us! It was just as rich and creamy as the real thing, and she only needed a few bites to be good to go...also, you don't need to eat the crust if it won't settle on your pouch too well...but who misses crust? lol Happy Thanksgiving!!
Er, splenda - what's that?
Is it splenda or slenda? lol And where at Safeway would you find it? Among the baked sweets and other pies? Actually, I'm sure it won't kill me or make me balloon back up to eat a slice of common pumpkin pie. Just as long as I don't make a habit of it. And as far as the crust goes, who eats that anyway?