Hair Loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help
OK I have been dealing with hair loss since late Septemer - almost exactly 3 months post op. I have (or should I say had?) really really thick hair so I cant say that you can notice any thinning yet (I notice it) but it is really starting to effect my life. I am constantly picking it off my clothes, it is all over the furniture and floors and the other day my vacuum wasnt picking up very well and when I turned it over the roller was completely covered with MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!! Every time I get ready to go somewhere my husband or kids pick all the hair off me before I go. This is so embarassing!!!
My question is this?
How much longer is this going to last???? Has anyone lost all their hair????
My Dr said that between 3 and 9 months alot of people experience hair loss and that it is probably a protein issue but it has not been proven.
I have never been good at getting my protein in (the shakes make me want to throw up).
Any other tips out there would be greatly appreciated!!!!!
I don't have any great solutions. Only sympathy! It is hard to be comforted by the knowledge that it is a truly temporary situation, but I would say that is the thing to hang on to. It could be the protein, but there are plenty of people that lose hair despite getting in lots of protein, and some that don't lose any despite not getting in what is considered enough. I venture that for many it is a reaction to the anesthesia. My friend had an unrelated surgery and lost lots of hair.
I haven't heard of anyone losing all of their hair. Many look pretty thin on top, but since you have a good head of hair I doubt you will look that way. For you, it is probably going to be more of the annoying hassle part.
Some people feel that taking Biotin helps. I was advised that it is just a waste of your money, but that didn't stop me from buying it and taking it for a while. Then I read so many things that indicated it wasn't really doing anything - so I stopped taking it. A lot of people swear by the shampoos for thinning hair. They are pretty spendy. My hair person advised that those products really take months to work, and that since my hair loss was a temporary thing, it probably wasn't worth it. Some people cut their hair short, then there is less to clean up and it looks better. I think the look better part is because it was really showing, which doesn't sound like you.
Hopefully it won't last too long! I'm eighteen months out and I can't wear my longish hair pulled back because I have a halo of three inch hairs that stick out all around the top. I don't was worth it!
Hi there!
Mine stopped after I started taking the following...was it because it was just time for it to stop? Quite possibly, but here is what I take none-the-less:
Maxi Hair (biotin)
Flax Seed Oil
Omega 3
And I use Nioxin faithfully
My hair was already VERY think before surgery, because of major thyroid problems, so the extra hair loss was very distressing to me.
Best wishes to you and yours
sw cw gw's
Open DS Dr. McConnell OHSU Eat Normal & Lose weight!

Maybe I'm weird, but I haven't noticed any appreciable amount of hair loss. It's been almost 4 months now. The only hair I see around here is cat hair. I don't notice any more hair in my hairbrush than there was before the surgery. I don't probably get enough protein in either. The protein drinks tasted like doodoo, er, not that I know what that tastes like ! -
- I make sure I take my vitamins. I take selenium which may help. I don't know. Anyone else take any selenium? I don't think anyone is really gonna wind up looking like Kojack or Vin Diesel. There are some things you can do. Buff the top of your head with a silk cloth and then stick your head under the bed. the static electricity will attract all the dust bunnies and "voila!" You will have , er, hair again. Or, try a little spray adhesive on your pate and rub it agains your shedding cat or dog. Tra laaaa! Hair again !! You can also use the old trick of a hair-color matching spray paint. That fills in all the voids so no one will notice. That may not work well if your hair color makes you look like Rainbow Brite or Cindy Lauper. Start a renewed fashion trend from the 40's and start wearing hats like the women back then wore all the time. There is always a solution to a problem. You just have to find one that works.

Hi I am having the same problem. I was told not to worry it will grow back after a while it takes 6 to nine months after surgery? but I had very long thick hair (see profile pic.) now it is thinning and falls out in the shower and every time I bru**** it is all over my back too and I have to keep it up alot. I just try not to wa**** daily like I used too and use little shampoo and conditioner? I do not know if it helps but I am pushing protien now and going to hang in there. let me know if yours stops I had surgery in May and now at the end of Nov I am down 100 pounds. I think it should be more but I hit plateaus all the time. wish I could help more.
Marylou (washington)