I am a mindless Porkface!
Wow, I have had a bad eating day! At work they brought in bowls of candy and set them throughout the department. I kept eating it as if I had no choice. UGh. I'll probably break my losing streak and plateau for a month now! groan.
Tomorrow they are doing chips and dip and Friday it's Pizza. Oh Lord, let me survive this week!
Thanks for listening.
good grief woman, get ahold of yourself. No, not the candy dish, yourself! lol I know with the bland diet we eat we can get tempted to stray back, me included. Luckily for me, a lot of that stuff just doesn't taste good anymore. Oh yes, I've tried pizza and things like M&M peanuts.They don't agree with me anymore so that helps with the er, willpower? So I got that going for me, which is nice! ( thank you Bill Murray) It's gonna be hard with all the goodies during Thanksgiving and Christmas when they bring in the treats. But we'll survive it. If we Just eat a good bit of healthy food before work and our stomach will be full and we won't feel like eating any of that stuff. Yeah, right! lol
Hey Jerry it's great to have a face to put with your written voice!
It can be troubling to stray into places we ought not be. Believe me....I am just getting back on track after my Halloween bender. I deserve to have gained something but it doesn't seem I did.
For me one of the most significant changes in the things that go on inside of my head since surgery - is that it is no longer all or nothing. Eating something bad used to be (in my mind) a valid reason that "I have already blown it. I might as well eat during this spring break and start doing really good next week". As a result of such a huge committment to change (and a huge fear of consequences) a little try here and there doesn't change my daily drinking of the water, quest to get in a lot of protein, take my supplements, etc. It never used to be in my mind set to behave "good" in a day that I had eaten bad. A bite of something here or there is no longer a license to give up. You dust yourself off and move on.
If that makes any sense it is how I have tried to keep my eyes on the prize. The waters get plenty more rough when you get further out and your appetite gets stronger - and your pouch less touchy. I try for the "good almost all of the time" Jerry's strategy is a good one. Keep your appetite in check by keeping your tummy full of the right stuff.
yay! I finally got my picture on. It took forever, and I've lost weight since then. I'm down to 195, from my pre op weight of 270. I don't think I look that skinny, but my co-workers call me skinny minnie. Of course what I see when I look in the mirror is probably excess skin. Not a lot mind you, but if I could get rid of it I would be happy. Gotta wait til I get down to my goal weight of 175 before I can even consider slicing and dicing it off. Too bad we couldn't work out a deal to be a skin donor so they would harvest it for free. lol A lot of burn patients and others could probably use it.
I am still pre-op but I signed up and paid for Dr. Gould's "masteringfood.com" online sessions. It is a 12 week class, and It is the best $120.00 I've ever spending in all the weight loss things I bought though the years. It is helping to open my eyes and help me with coping techniques that I never thought possible.
Believe me with everything you have already been thought you do not want to re-gain the weight.
This class is well worth the investment.

Ha Jenny!
That was too funny. I know exactly what you mean. My DH and I went to Disneyland and I at like a TOTAL HOG for a week straight. The worst/best part is I lost 4 pounds that week. That was "best" because there was a loss, but "worst" because I feel like I have been stupid since I have been home still eating things I shouldn't (and still losing!)
I have got to do better so I can get all my protien in everyday. We will work on it together ok??
Best wishes to you and yours
sw cw gw's
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