Having surgery November 18th ,2005.
Hi Katrina,
Yay on your surgery date!!
I bet you are so happy & scared.
I remember so well how I was! Hmm, not sure I have a whole lot of advice, though. What kind are you looking for? Supportive advice? Spiritual? What to bring to the hospital? Whether or not to have any 'last suppers'? (Yes, to that last one!) What to eat (or not to eat
) afterwards? Ideas of liquids? I guess I could have a whole LOT of advice, then. But don't want to put you to sleep!
I can be a bit wordy sometimes. But, like I said, I remember being there, so I would like to help. We just need to narrow it down a bit.
(Know what I mean?)
Congratulations, and GOOD LUCK.
This is a wonderous journey you are embarking on. Will be sending good vibes your way.
Take care,

That is great news for you! It's an altered state of existence when you know your surgery is coming up. I drove myself crazy feeling like I had to clean and get everything in order. I wish something would put a fire under my butt now, my drawers and closets are messy again! Luckily, life keeps us busy. The 18th will be here before you know it.
Don't get too caught up in packing that list for the hospital. The only things I used were my two comfy feather pillows (I brought an extra pair of cases-not white so they stand out as yours, because sometimes your head gets sweaty and I had my husband change mine on day two), my chapstick, my toothbrush, hairbrush, and a little bottle of shampoo and liquid soap for the shower. All my jammies, magazines, coins, slippers, etc. never got used. The hospital gowns are yucko, but they work better. Even their yucko slipper socks seems like the right thing at the time.
A crisis in confidence is really normal towards your surgery day. Just remember you didn't make the decision lightly, and have faith in the decision you made. I was so sure I was giving up something, and that maybe some days I would want to feel "normal" again. What I couldn't have known then is that I never feel like I have given up anything, I feel really "normal", and I have gained so much! Further out you will feel so satisfied with what you CAN eat, and at least for me...life isn't ever about mourning what I can't eat.
Good luc****ep us posted.