What do you want to do after surgery?
Here's my list:
1.Sleep in my bed laying flat.
2.Stand for over 10 minutes without hurting.
3.Take the stairs without hurting and being out of breath.
4.Take a shower without being exhausted.
5.Get out of a chair or off toilet with ease.
6.Get up from the middle of the floor.
7.Buckle seat belt without extentions.
8.To kneel.
9.Fit in a plane seat comfortably.
10.Me control food, not it control me.
11.Get out of Plus sizes.
12.Wear blue jeans.
13.Walk a mile.
14.Go on a cruise.
15.Make love to my husband.
Those are great things on your list! For me, I'd have all the same things plus being able to sit in one of those green plastic chairs that everyone seems to have! Also, to sit in the bathtub and be able to relax without sticking to the tub like a giant bathtub plug! Or tie my shoes without having to hold my breath and suck in my stomach just so I can bend over. Or sit in a restaurant booth without my chest resting on the table!
I could add so many!!!

Hi All,
I haven't been reading these boards(or any others either) for a while, but some of the things I have done since my surgery are:
1. Cross my legs when sitting!
2. Get rid of that stupid CPAP machine!
3. Shop at any clothing store I dare well please!
4. Ride any ride at the county fair this summer with my kids!
5. Reduce my asthma meds by half.
I have a list of about 100 different things, some I have done, some still to come!