Comments on Today's Front Page Report?
Hi Rose,
I did see the article plus I watched a report this morning on the today's show basically about the same thing. I am considering this surgery and these kind of article's upset me too.
I was wondering who was your surgeon at Good Sam. This is where I've been going. I was wondering at this point if you had any regrets or any advice to give? 8-l
Thank you
Annette V
Hi Annette!
I had a bad day yesterday (not surgery related at all) and that is why the article upset me. They don't say anything we don't already know! I don't know anything about you, but if you are fairly young (I am 50) and relatively healthy, you should go for it! I have been struggling with weight issues since the beginning of time and suddenly realized that not only did I gain 20 more pounds with each diet I began, but with my recent birthday approaching....I realized that I just COULD NOT live out the rest of my days this miserable.
After talking with both my PCP and my gynecologist, they BOTH thought that this may be my answer! Oh, and they asked me for my insight afterward, because they have patients everywhere that want to look into it.
Next to marrying my husband and deciding to start a family, surgery was the best decision I have ever made. And I do not take life-changing decisions lightly. I did a lot of research and went with the best, in my opinion, surgeon in the country. Dr. Emma Patterson. I had the BEST experience. Heck, I still am! Every day is a new day that I look forward to. I can't say that about the last 20 years. Sad, huh?
Annette, believe me when I say that EVERYONE is scared before this surgery. Any surgery carries a risk - you know that. Stop reading the scary articles! Make a list of your pros and cons - and if you are like me - you will realize that you do not have a choice about which choice to make.
Of course, insurance helps. That has been my biggest headache yet! Even with all the info that I have and know everything will be fine, it is a pain in the keister!
Absolutely no regrets. None.
I am one happy girl, that almost looks normal.
Hope this helps. Ask away!

Thanks for the thoughts. I am 37 and overweight my whole life. The last couple of years my weight has started taking a toll on my health. I guess I'm just trying to gather as much info and opinions of people that have been through this surgery. Emma Patterson is also the surgeon of my choice.
Bye for now.

Great post Rose!
There were various versions of the same report this week. It was a lot of hype in the tease that the story would reveal "new findings" that the surgery is more risky than previously thought. There was nothing I hadn't been aware of before my surgery.
All life saving surgeries are done on patients that are brought to that life saving surgery by a serious medical condition. There are always risks. The reason for taking that risk is that the odds are more in your favor that the procedure is going to save your life, than that the disease is going to continue killing you. Otherwise, why would any one take such a risk?!? People go forward with treatments for cancer, heart disease, etc. every day - with much more dangerous odds of success or safe outcome. It still seems as though one is seen to be taking a BIGGER risk when undergoing this surgery - or that not getting the surgery is LESS dangerous than leaving a heart bypass undone, or a kidney transplant undone. I know in my own case I was looking at an early death or a life full of medical misery.
I understood going in that WLS patients go to surgery with already compromised systems from the obesity. They qualify for surgery because they have co-morbidies. As hard as it was for me to go forward, scared of not surviving surgery, I didn't feel that not having it was any safer.
I too have absolutely no regrets. None!!
Great Post from you, too, Patty! As always! Where have you been? Look for your posts all the time. I love the way you write, and to be honest, when I was answering Annette's post....I kept thinking of you! You are so articulate and your thoughts are ALWAYS outstanding. To me, anyway.
Not much new on the homefront. I am down 53 lbs. and feel like a new woman! Just ask my husband! I am feeling a little down because I am not going to this months meeting and I WANT to. It will be too dark and scary on I-5 for me to justify it. I don't think I will be to another one until the spring when it lightens up. I hope this doesn't damage my psyche (sp?).
How is life treating you? Any plans for the holidays? Are you going to see the family? Where are they, anyway? Talk to you soon. Gotta go back to the salt mill. -Rose-
Hi Patty,
How are you doing?? I pop in here and once in awhile and see how everyone is. Trying to maybe put another get together with a few other girls I know from the Oregon board. Maybe in a few weeks.... I haven't been able to come to the support groups....just always something going on. This 26th meeting I will be in CA just coming home later after 9PM....
Anyhow, just wanted to say Hi......Hope to see you soon!
Ohhh....where was that article you guys are talkign about? I heard something on the news but never heard about the article...thx!
NadineM- Vancouver

Hey Nadine!
I am always willing and able to meet up with people from the board. It is so great to put a voice and more than a face with people we have known/followed for so long. I also value the experience of others to help me in my post-op life. I also find a quick get together with you guys more personal than the broader large group support meetings (though I do still try to make them). Whatever I can do to keep myself honest!
I am doing great. I am about three pounds shy of my goal of 150. I would love 140, but I was happy with 160! I am feeling very healthy and so happy with the results! I can go months without losing anything and then a couple here, a couple there, add up to the next ten. I doubt I will lose much more without really trying. I do have a healthy appetite, and can go to places I should go, so it is more my priority to not gain anything! I read that you were struggling with losing too much. I bet that surprised you, being that as a lightweight to start with - the losing came slower than you had hoped at first. Slow and steady does add up.
Whatever you heard on the news was pretty much it. The article in the Oregonian was just a recap of that, as was the coverage on CNN and local news. Not real indepth - which is part of the problem. They just picked out a scary headline without revealing the backup info that would put it in context.
Hi Rose,
The same article has stirred a bit on the Over Fifty group I generally go to -- although I have started reading "our" Oregon posting more now that I'm moving to Duck country - eugene/springfield next month!
One of the observations that was made - by one of our members - is that the study was based on 30 to 40 year olds and another group of 40 - 50 year olds who were already on Medicare....which by definition for those under 65 - is someone ALREADY severely disabled in order just to be population was ALREADY at risk PRIOR to the WLS - but that conclusion is not listed in the story. I'm figuring less "hype" so it didn't make the story.
Hugs, g