One more try for local OH Chapter
We have been off line for a while but we are back!! (My husband Derrick and I) We have realized in our time away that support makes a HUGE differnce in how successful we are in our WLS journey. I don't know that we would be doing well without each other and could probably be doing a lot better with the support of others who walk in our shoes.
So, here we go again. If there is already an OH Chapter in the Roseburg area, will someone please contact me with that info so that we can participate. If there is not one, I would be willing to start one if there is any interest. When I asked a few months back, I got one response and had a great email conversation with someone that I hope would still be interested. But 3 people only equals a lunch not an OH Chapter!
Are there any Chapters in Oregon? I think Ginger was trying to get one going north of here too. Did that work out?
Maybe we need to just go with an Oregon Chapter if there is not enough interest to do local and only meet once a month. We can make something work if there is enough interest!
Please let me know if you are interested or if you think I am wasting my time!
Thank you!!

Hi Patrice,
I just read your post and would be interested in a local Chapter. I live in Roseburg and am having surgery in K Falls on 10/24/05. I actually need to go to a support group meeting before I can have surgery anyway. Let me know if something happens or I can help! I work at Wells Fargo in Roseburg and currently my only email is a work one at [email protected].
Hi Wendy!

Glad to hear from you!! I am going to recontact the other person that showed interest- That makes four of us!!! 

I hope there are even more!! Please send me an email (you can do so by using the email button on this post or on my profile ) and let me know when you will be available to meet. Please give me a few choices so that we can try to make it as convient as possible for as many people that want to participate.
Thanks for writing back so quickly and if you know anyone else who might be interested, please give them my email address and have them forward the same information!
Hope to meet you very soon!
I went to your profile and there is nothing there!! LOL I know some people do like to stay anonymous (and that is fine) but it is easier for others to offer advice when you ask questions on the message board if there is a little background info such as height, begining and current weight, type of surgery and general info on current medical condition. You really don't have to put anything at all, and please don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, but it will keep you from having to continually answer the same questions each time you post a question.