Leg. Good Sam. Portland mtgs?
Glad you asked! I actually have it on my calendar for tomorrow night (Wed) but when you mentioned in your E-mail that it was Thursday I thought to myself that I had better check that out. I was going to call Dr. Hongs office and ask (because I didn't save the printed schedule once I put it on my calendar) but it got to be 5:00 before I got a chance to call.
Being someone who has sent my kid to a birthday party with a wrapped gift and had it be the wrong day (darn!) I am always willing to doubt my information. Pamela ought to know - otherwise I would double check with Dr. Hong's office tomorrow.
Hi Patty!
How great is was to meet you tonight! Mom and I went to Wendy's and had some chili (I LOVE that) and then to Cold Stone for some ice cream. Bad move. They only have a sugarless cream stuff that tastes awful and I was disappointed. What do the people with diabetes do there?
Oh, well.
I had a wonderful time tonight.........meeting everyone and feeling like a member of this "special" club. Everybody there "Gets it".
Next time I will come earlier and we can have dinner and stuff. I get off work at 4:30 and will be there around 6. We will plan what to do before then.
Did you say that you have a boy turning 15? I do too!
I, too, have great kids. The other will be 18 Sept. 9. They are not without troubles, though.
I'm beat.........going to bed. Thanks for being there and meeting with me tonight. You are sweeter and prettier than I had imagined!
your new bypass friend,

Hi Kathleen!
That was you?????You need another picture up, for sure! Nice meeting you too.
That was Patty passing around her photos. She's a sweetie!
I love this group! I feel I am one with all the women there. (I have never been male, and think they're experiences HAVE to be different!).
Much better than weigh****chers. Everybody is a loser for sure. Not just a "wanna be".
Hope to see you again soon. Though I will probably forget your name. Don't take it personally. I'm am VERY forgetful with names.
It was nice talking with you....how long has it been for you? And how much?