Brandi? How are you feeling???
Hiya! Haven't been around, lots on my mind lately.
Thankx for thinking of me. I have had tons of morning sickness! I saw Dr. Patterson today and she is sending me to a high risk OB for my pregnancy. She says that having surgery when I wasn't very far along in my pregnancy isn't much to worry about at all. Which is good. She was wonderful and supportive and didn't blame me at all. She actually is sending me to her OB (she was high risk because of having twins). She started me on folic acid and now I wait for my OB apt!
PS, as far as WLS goes, I have lost approx 25lbs in 5 weeks and 48 since I started my pre-op diet. I have had trouble eating enough, so my WL is slow.
Brandi -
Thanks so much for checking in! I've been thinking a lot about you and pray that things go smashingly both for your pregnancy and weight loss! I was just reading on my surgery date board that one woman got pregnant a month or so after surgery and she is still down over 100 lbs after she gave birth, so I know although it's a challenge, it can be done!
The one thing I've heard a lot is that people may not lose a ton while pregnant but after they have the baby it just drops off really really quickly. Just remember that if you feel like you need to eat more, don't feel guilty about that. Just be smart about it and get as much nutritious food in first. You might have to eat often, so just remember to keep your eye on the protein which will give you more bang for your buck.
Awe heck - look what I'm doing....being all smothering. I am just both excited and concerned at the same time. I hope you find that this is a blessing for you all the way around!
Your soo cute! Thankx! I guess what I really need now is my appetite and to get rid of the morning sickness. I have been told not to worry about food issues in the first trimester, which is good, cause I just can't force down anything but hamburger helper, and then it's only a few bites. But I am trying! I have lost 8lbs since finding out I was preggo for a total post op loss of 26lbs in almost 5weeks. not good, but I haven't been eating enough. I just want to feel better! My heart is wanting to be sooo excited, but my body just wants to puke and sleep! LOL!
Well Brandi, to give you a little perspective, you have lost more than I did at your stage post op. I had lost 18 lbs in the first 2-3 weeks, then stalled for another 3 weeks after that. So try not to concentrate on a slow loss. It always seems to feel slow in the beginning anyway. That and you also lost weight before you had the surgery. That right there would have been your quickest loss had you not already lost it.
That starvation mode thing can only go so far - otherwise we wouldn't lose weight when we got so little to eat. You're going to do great!